Page 9 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 9


     Hi everyone, happy New Year to you all.  My turn, as the most senior of the Beddy
     foster fellas in BTRF’s care!

     Well, it’s fair to say I’m doing very well!  You may remember I came into BTRF’s care

     over a year ago now and was diagnosed with quite a rare condition that affected my
     eyes and as a result I had to have all sorts of tests to try to get to the bottom of what

     was causing the issues. Eventually it was discovered that the condition was caused
     by allergies and a food allergy in particular.  So as a result, I have to have a very
     carefully managed special diet and special daily eye drops to keep my eyes crystal

     clear (they are my best attributes, so I’m told!!).

     I also have some arthritis in my back and back legs (happens to the best of us when

     we get to my age!) but this is also carefully managed, and I still enjoy my daily short
     sniffy walks.

     I did have a bit of a blip last year when I had an inner ear infection – we are not sure

     where that came from and I had everyone worried for a time there, but as always
     my  BTRF  care  team,  the  amazing  vets  who  look  after  me  and  my  forever  foster

     parents looked after me and I made a really good recovery.

     I go to work with my foster mum every day (well that’s in the office at home!!!) and
     the biggest decisions I have to make is which bed to sleep in!!!  I have loads because

     everyone  knows  that  choice  of  sleeping  places  for  dogs  is  soooooooooooo

                                  So that’s me! Doing great and living my best life to the max

                                  and I have everyone running around looking after me!!

                                  Thank you to all our supporters out there who help BTRF help
                                  dogs like me stay well and happy.

                                  Tail wags    Eddy the Beddie xxx

                                      Did you know you can Sponsor Eddy?
                                             Click here to find out how.

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