Page 11 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 11


     Hi all! My big news is that me and my foster family have moved to a different part of

     the UK!  I now live in a very quiet place in the country, and I am loving it! The fresh

     air  agrees  with  me  for  sure!!    I  can  be  a  little  anxious  in  new  environments  but

     because this place is soooooo quiet, I really enjoy my walks because I can sniff and

     sniff without being worried!

     I am yet another Beddie with food allergies and have to have a carefully managed
     diet  and  supplements,  which  are  so  important  in  keeping  me  in  good  health  and

     keeping my allergies in check.

     I have my health check in a couple of weeks’ time

     at my new vet, so I’m hoping they will be pleased

     with me, and I’m sure I will get plenty of cuddles

     while I am there!

     Happy New Year everyone

       Little Mo xxx

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