Page 5 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 5


     Hi fans! I’ve been keeping you updated                    You      were       very

     on  how  well  I’m  doing  in  my  new  long              generous             and
     term foster home! Up to now I needed                      Aunty  Kaye  was
     to  have  a  very  carefully  managed  diet               able  to  send  me

     because of my ear and skin issues, and I                  this huge box and I
     have been trying to persuade my foster                    had to have help to

     mum  that  a  little  bit  of  cheese  or                 open it - they didn’t
     sausage  every  now  and  again  won’t  be                need asking twice!

     noticed and might help me to take all my
     special supplements!                                      If you can spare a few pennies this year
                                                               for my foster buddies, I would be really,
     But  that  didn’t  wash,  she  knows  how
                                                               really grateful.    It’s easy to do, you can
     important it is not to sneak anything in.
     Because my allergies are so tricky, even a                make a donation through CAF Donate -
     tiny  bit  of  food  that  isn’t  on  my  menu
     can  cause  flare  ups  with  my  ears  and     !/
     skin.  I  definitely  don’t  want  that  as  I’m
     feeling so well now.                                                                  Remember  to  Gift
                                                                                           Aid  it  too  if  you
     But my foster mum and my Aunties Kaye
     and  Lisa  have  had  a  conflab,  and  they                                          can, this will mean
                                                                                           BTRF  can  claim
     feel  that  I  am  doing  so  well  and  very
     settled in  my new home, that they  can                                               25%  extra  and  I
                                                                                           can  send  some
     start  to  try  me  on  some  new  things  –
     very,  very  gradually  and  in  very,  very              special treats to my foster buddies!

     small portions.                                           Thank  you  everyone  and  happy  New
     Unfortunately,  because  I’m  so  sensitive

     to  all  the  normal  ‘meaty  things’,  I  will           Buttons  xxx
     have  to  have  something  called  a  ‘novel

     protein’  –  so  basically  something  I
     haven’t had before and something really
     random, like Kangaroo!!!

     Most of these novel ‘meaty things’ tend

     to be quite expensive so I asked you all
     to help top up my Brunch Box Budget so

     I could have some Christmas treats!

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