Page 7 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 7


      The  results  were  very  interesting!  He                extended us a generous discount on the

      has a malfunction in his pelvis – either                  pain       analyser        and       chiropractic
      due to trauma or several repeat injuries                  treatment,  the  chiropractic  treatment

      over  time.  This  causes  a  tightness  and              and subsequent physio will need to be
      restrictions  in  the  soft  tissue  which  in            ongoing.

      turn  causes  loss  of  alignment  in  his
      pelvis.  So,  the  tissues  get  sore  with               Percy is still a young dog at 3 years and

      exercise,  and  are  not  working  in  the                we want to give him the best chance we
      correct  alignment.    Because  this  is  a               can of giving him a long, happy and pain
      functional rather than a pathology issue                  free  life.    We  have  therefore  decided

      it explains why there has been nothing                    that part of  the  money we are hoping
      to see in all the imaging etc he has had                  to  raise  in  our  Winter  Auction  will  be

      up to now.                                                put towards his ongoing treatment.

      What does all this mean? It means we                      We still have a way to go, but it is more
      may have found the reasons why Percy                      positive      than      it    looked       before

      has periods of being sorer!  With some                    Christmas.  If you would like to make a
      regular  chiropractic  manipulation  his                  donation  specifically  for  Percy  you  can

      pelvis  should  stay  in  the  correct                    do so here
      alignment  and  then  once  he  is  more                  https://

      comfortable,  he  can  start  some  physio      !/
      to strengthen his muscles to then keep                    DonationDetails

      his pelvis in alignment, meaning he will
                                                                                  We would also be grateful
      be much more comfortable.
                                                                                  if    you      could      please
      While  at  the  centre,  he  was  lucky                                     support        the      auction
      enough  to  be  treated  by  one  of  the                                   (listing  starts  on  18
      country’s top canine chiropractors.   As                                    January)

      a  result  following  the  treatment,  we       
      saw some improvement.                                     bedlingtonrescueauctions

      The long and short of all this is that we                 We will of course, keep you updated on

      now know his issue and we can do our                      his  progress  –  please  keep  everything
      very best to help him.  But (and this is                  crossed for him.

      the biggie), although this is good news
      and  The  Renew  Centre  very  kindly

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