Page 14 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 14
Greetings Bedlington lovers, in the style Bedlingtons and now felt ready to give a
of an old comedian I want to tell you a home to a dog in need were on the BTRF
story. In reality, it was Aunty Kaye who waiting list.
asked me to write about my life. So, in 2017 on a sunny day the cavalry
I can’t use my real arrived, in the shape of a very tall man
name but I’m and a very short woman. They drove to
proud to say I’m my home, met my owner and I was
Kennel Club allowed out of the cage thingy to greet
registered and a them. The short one fussed over me and
direct descendent I was on my best behaviour. She wanted
of one of the to take me for a little walk which I wasn’t
great Ken too sure about as I had got out of the
Bounden’s dogs. habit, but off we went. I barked at all the
I was born in the winter of 2009, a blue dogs and people; I was scared.
Bedlington boy perfect in every way Everyone seemed happy for the adoption
(even if I do say so myself). As is the way to take place so not long after this visit, I
my breeder sold me to a nice young was taken to my new home.
couple and I attended puppy classes On the journey, I sat in the rear seat with
getting all the awards, I still have a the short one, whale eyeing* her all the
certificate; even now I can guess hands way up the motorway because I was
for treats, lie down, sit and even roll if unsure where I was going or who these
given a bit of sausage to encourage me. people were but, fortunately, she had a
Times were good and the years rolled on never ending supply of black pudding
but then suddenly my life fell apart which was my favourite.
because of circumstances beyond my * A dog whale eye or side eye is a term used
control, and I started to exhibit what to describe when a dog turns their head to
would be described as ‘bad’ behaviour. look at something or someone through their
Guarding, snarling and snapping and a peripheral vision. This behaviour is often
seen when a dog is feeling uncomfortable or
very poor digestive system.
anxious in a situation. It is also one of the
My owner wisely contacted Bedlington most common early warning signs that a
Terrier Rescue Foundation, Aunty dog is starting to feel emotionally out of its
depth and not able to cope with the
Frances and Aunty Kaye took control.
situation. They may begin to feel
As it happened, an older couple who had they need to protect themselves
loved and cared for two previous if the perceived threat doesn’t
go away.