Page 12 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 12


     Hi all – little Miss Pippin here.  Not a huge amount to report since the last newsletter

     but I wanted to get a mention as I’m BTRF’s most senior foster girlie, Eddy is the most
     senior foster fella!

     You probably remember that I came into BTRF’s care in a really bad way.  I needed

     lots of medical treatment including have a few ‘suspicious’ looking lumps removed
     from my tummy.  I also had lots of allergies (like most of the Beddies that come to

     BTRF)  that  needed  to  be  carefully  unpicked.    But  with  a  really  good  diet  and
     supplements I started to feel (and look) so much better.

     I am also very special because I have something called immunotherapy.  This involves

     monthly injections that keep my allergies at bay  – it’s not cheap but thanks to all
     your donations BTRF were able to arrange for me to have this.

     I also have arthritis, but I have some help for this too, so I am a very lucky Beddie.
     Age is not relevant, keeping me well and happy is most important to BTRF and my
     foster mum.  She loves me even though I keep her on her toes a lot of the time – her

     coat pockets where my treats are kept are fair game!

     That’s all my news for now but I’m doing pretty well for my age, thanks to you all.

     Licky slurps and happy New Year.

     Pippin XXX

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