Page 6 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 6


     Time to update you on young Percy.  You                   diet,  supplements,  pain  medication,

     may remember he came to us when he                        appropriate        rest,     a     well-managed
     was deemed unmanageable in his early                      environment  and  behavioural  support

     months,  he  was  a  very  stressed  dog                  but we have not been able to get to the
     when he arrived in BTRF’s care two years                  real root of his problems … but we may
     ago.                                                      now have some answers!

     He bounced everywhere on his two back                     Just  recently  we  were  invited  to  take

     legs,  chewed  and  ate  his  way  through                Percy to an amazing sports rehabilitation
     everything he could find, was terrified of                and  pet  dog  pain  management  and

     being  groomed,  hated  being  separated                  treatment  centre  in  Gloucester  called
     but  didn’t  really  want  to  be  touched,               The  Renew  Centre.    Here  he  was  to

     was  very  unsure  about  other  dogs  and                undergo         a     trial     for      a     new
     had  very  few  positive  experiences  to                 groundbreaking procedure – a pain trace
     draw on.                                                  analyser!  This  is  an  amazing  piece  of

                                                               equipment  that  basically  can  pinpoint
     He  arrived  with  a  ‘clean  bill  of  health’           pain and the reasons, and it can be done

     and was just thought to be a ‘naughty’,                   either  with  the  dog  awake  or  asleep!
     out-of-control  teenager,  but  we  could                 We couldn’t turn it down if it meant we

     see straight away all was not quite right                 could  get  to  the  bottom  of  Percy’s
     with his movement and when we started                     issues, so Aunty Lisa hot footed it down

     a pain-relief trial (and watched him calm                 to Gloucester with our lad!
     and relax almost instantly) we knew we
     were on the right track … we just didn’t

     know how complicated that path would
     prove to be!

     Percy  is  quite  the  medical  mystery.  He

     has clear pain in his right hind leg, which
     responds  well  (but  not  fully)  to  a

     comprehensive            pain       management
     strategy.  He  has  had  x-rays,  MRI  scans,
     been  reviewed  by  orthopaedic  and

     neurological specialists and we still can’t
     pin  down  the  source.  But  we  have  got

     him  feeling  a  LOT  better  with  the  right

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