Page 3 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 3


    Bedlington  Terrier  Rescue  have  the  So  over  the  last  couple  of  months  we

    welfare of rescue Bedlington Terriers and  looked for other fundraising events, one
    their  crosses  at  the  heart  of  everything  of  which  was  the  Evegate  Christmas
    we do.                                                   Market  in  December  where  we  raised

                                                             £220  over  the  weekend.    It  was
    The  lack  of  physical  premises  such  as
                                                             exhausting doing a  two day show but a
    kennels  or shops mean that we are not
                                                             really friendly and fun atmosphere!
    eligible for a lot of funding opportunities
    that  would  help  us  pay  for  the  medical  Our  thanks  go  to  Molly  (the  Chief  Elf)

    and  behavioural  support  necessary  for  who moved us from a chilly outdoor stall
    our foster dogs and for the foster carers’  to  the  comfort  (and  warmth)  of  the

    training programme to continue.                          indoor marquee.

    We were invited to the Kent Festive Fair

    in November last year but unfortunately
    it  was  cancelled  due  to  weather

    conditions and the waterlogged grounds.

    This was a real blow to BTRF as the funds

    raised would have been put towards the

    medical  care  necessary  for  Tegan  and
    other foster dogs in our care.

    Our  thanks  go  to  the  following
                                                             BTRF  also  raised  funds  through  the
    companies for donating products to help

    us raise funds in a very difficult economic              on-line  raffles  in  November  and
                                                             December  with  donated  products  from
    climate and especially at Christmas.
                                                             Peake Petcare and FunnyFuzzy UK, there
      Gilbertson And Page: Making dog food                   is  a  January  raffle  with  a  super  Danish
           for over 140 years (                  Design Pet Products  Pet Bed, and further

      TRIXIE Heimtierbedarf - Your wholesale                 raffles planned throughout the year - all
          for pet supplies, snacks and more                  with donated products.

                      GWF Nutrition
                                                             We’ll  keep  you  updated  on  our
                 Pure Connection Pets
                                                             fundraising  progress  throughout  the
              Danish Design Pet Products                     year.

                      FunnyFuzzy UK
                      Peake Petcare

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