Page 21 - SPRING 2023
P. 21


                 And the 4Cs

    When  we  are  working  with  a  dog  that                Have a look at this little interview with

    has issues around care giving (grooming,                  Chirag Patel, the behaviourist who came
    bathing,  nail  clipping,  ear  /  eye  drops             up with this really lovely technique that

    etc)  either  because  they  haven't  been                gives  our  dogs  choice  and  control,
    used  to  this  from  an  early  age  or  they            particularly  when  it  comes  to  care

    struggle  with  it  through  fear  of                     giving.
    inappropriate handling in a past life, we
    always  teach  them  using  the  Bucket
    Game.                                                     v=GJSs9eqi2r8

    The  Bucket  Game  is  all  about

    cooperative  handling  -  that's  working


    •  Confidence

    •  Choice

    •  Consistency

    •  Communication
                                                                             BREAKING NEWS
                        (the 4Cs)                                   'Cruel' electric shock collars

                                                                           banned in England
    With any dog, care giving should not be
    a  case  of  compliance  -  it  should  be  a              In  an  ‘historic  moment  for  animal
    case  of  communication,  choice  and                      welfare’       The      Kennel       Club      has

    building trust so that the dog knows we                    welcomed  news  that  the  Government
    will  'listen'  to  them  by  observing  their             has      laid     legislation      which       will

    body language and understanding when                       completely  ban  the  use  of  remote
    they  need  to  take  a  break  before                     controlled  electric  shock  collars  in
    continuing.  This  helps  to  build  positive              England,  as  of  1  February  2024,

    associations  around  care  giving  and                    following  a  ten  year  campaign  to
    makes  it  easier  and  more  pleasant  for                #BanShockCollars.


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