Page 18 - SPRING 2023
P. 18


     Hi  everyone,  Blue  here,  I’m  the  tall                jumping  on  the  furniture  and  scratching
     handsome one on the left, the little fella on             both of them. Despite this they decided to
     the right looking cute is Merlin.  I’m now                take me on, and I became a BTRF dog.
     15 years young and  thought  it  was about
     time to tell you about my life as a BTRF dog              When I arrived, I was in very good health
     and the dogs that have shared it with me.                 but my behaviour needed so much work it
                                                               was one step forward and two steps back.

                                                               I  was  introduced  to  Bandit  a  collie  x
                                                               lurcher, he was the resident dog and a very
                                                               calm laid-back character.  He had lived with
                                                               a Bedlington before, so he knew the breed
                                                               and with his help and the resources BTRF
                                                               provided I began to calm down.

                                                               Bandit  was  also  a  rescue  and  a  smart
                                                               cookie, he showed me this was the  place
                                                               to be and we became inseparable. Life was
     There is so much to write that Aunty Julia                good and we spent many years together.  I
     has suggested we run it over the next few                 would drag Bandit to the Bedlington meets
     issues  so  check  back  regularly  to  get  my           and he became an honorary Bedlington!
     full life story! How exciting is that – I have
     my own ‘column’!!
                                                                                          The  first  photo  is  of
     Ok so, I’ve been a BTRF dog for most of my                                           him  and  the  second
     adult  life,  but  first  let’s  go  back  to  the                                   is  both  of  us,  I look
     beginning.                                                                           very  dark  because
                                                                                          we        had       been
     I was taken on by a family as a little ball of                                       swimming,  which  is
     fluff,  but  I  soon  grew  into  a  rather  large                                   something  else  he
     Bedlington,  unfortunately  I  didn’t  receive                                       taught me.   When I
     the training I needed and became a bit of a                                          first  arrived  I  didn’t
     problem.  Added to that the family started                                           want  to  go  near
     to keep rabbits so it was a perfect storm - it                                       water but now I love
     did not end well.                                                                      it.

     The family decided they couldn’t cope and                                            Bandit  was  much
     approached  a  rehoming  centre,  but                                                older  than  me  and
     because of my history with rabbits they felt                                         time  began  to  take
     I  could  never  be  rehomed  and  maybe                                             its  toll  on  him,  he
     euthanasia was the only option. The family                                           eventually       passed
     did  not  want  to  go  down  that  road  and                                        away  at  the  age  of
     contacted  BTRF,  and  a  week  later  my                                            seventeen.  I  was
     prospective foster carers came to visit me.                                          devastated  with  my
                                                                                          best  mate  gone  I
     It  did  not  go  well  I  was  an  absolute                                         became depressed.
     hooligan  charging  around  the  house,

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