Page 19 - SPRING 2023
P. 19


     However, two weeks later I was showing no  His  tail  didn't  work  and  just  hung  down

     signs  of  improvement  when  a  phone  call  behind him. There was something different

     came  through  from  BTRF  HQ,  a  dog  in  an  about this dog in the way he communicated,
     emergency situation needed a place to rest  I  knew  almost  immediately,  and  it  was
     his head for a couple of days could we help?  confirmed the next day by our vet, he was
     That's  when  Bert  came  into  my  life,  and  completely  deaf.    So  hardly  surprising  that
     everything changed again for me.                         he  was  scared  when  he  first  arrived  –  not
                                                              being able to hear too would have been so
     24  hours  later  on  a  cold  wet  and  windy           difficult for him.
     evening, our doorbell rang and that's when I
     met Aunty Trish, a behaviourist  from BTRF.   We spent the next couple of days getting to
     Aunty  Trish  had  come  to  oversee  Bert’s  know  each  other  with  lots  of  advice  from
     introduction  to  me  and  his  new  foster  Aunty Trish and for all his blustering, he was
     carers,  I  was  very  excited  but  on  my  best  really  a  sweet  old  guy  without  much  life
     behaviour.                                               experience, he just didn't know how to react
                                                              when presented with new situations.
     About  an  hour  later  a  specialist  pet
     ambulance  arrived  with  Bert  on  board.  At  For  example,  meeting  other  dogs  because
     this  point  I  should  say  due  to  data  he was deaf it was difficult to reassure him,
     protection,  much  of  Bert’s  history  can't  be  so I started to go out front on our walks and
     spoken about but this is what we know.  He  meet  other  dogs  showing  him  there  was
     was  kept  in  a  kitchen  almost  permanently,  nothing to fear.  If I met a dog I wasn't sure
     never walked and fed a diet of human food  about  I  would  block  it  with  my  body  and
     burgers, pizzas, chips etc so not good.                  gently  ease  it  past  Bert.  He  very  quickly
                                                              stopped reacting to other dogs and began to
     When  Bert  came  into  the  house,  he  was             settle down.
     clearly  a  very  stressed  dog  and  barked
     constantly  at  me.  Now,  I  speak  fluent  dog  In  other  news  the
     but  even  I  hadn't  got  a  clue  what  he  was  top  team  at  BTRF
     trying to tell me. I did sense that he was no  HQ  formulated  a
     threat to me, so I did not react and just let  healthy diet plan for
     him get to know me at his pace. It is always  him to get  some of
     a very difficult and stressful time for a new  the  excess  weight
     rescue  who  doesn’t  know  where  he  is  or  off.
     what has happened to him, I remember how
     I felt but I knew that Aunty Trish would have            We were on the right path to get him back
     a plan to help him settle!                               to full fitness but then just when we thought
                                                              we  could  relax,  Bert’s  health  took  a  nose
     What  was  apparent  was  the  dreadful  dive.
     condition  he  was  in,  a  Bedlington  of  his
     height  would  probably  weigh  around  12kg,
     Bert weighed nearly 20kg and his back legs
     could  hardly  support  him.    He  was  like  a
     barrel.  He would sit on his tail with his back
     legs  in  a  ten  to  two  position,  it  was  very

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