Page 25 - SPRING 2023
P. 25


     Bedlington  Terrier  Rescue  would  like  to  thank  Andrew  Hale  of  Dog  Centred  Care  for
     featuring BTRF as their Rescue of the Month in February this year.

     Kaye  Scott  chatted  with  Andrew  to  share  the  work  BTRF  do,  to  tell  him
     more  about  the  breed,  and  her  experiences  of  being  involved  in  rescue.
     Andrew  was  keen  to  talk  about  the  excellent  foster  based  system  that
     shows how to do fostering well.

     Andrew very kindly included a  CAF Donate link for donations  to BTRF to
     help with its rehoming of Beddies and their crosses.!/DonationDetails
      Kaye  said  :  I  was  given  the  amazing  So,  it  is  crucial  that  the  foster  home  is
      opportunity        to     talk     with      canine  prepared  and  fully  on  board  with  us  to
      behaviourist,  Andy  Hale  on  his  Facebook  enable them to be able work to a care plan
      group,     Dog      Centred       Care     (https:// specific to each dog.,  about                    The care  plans  are  formulated by  the  very
      the work that BTRF does and to talk about               experienced care professionals both on our
      our  foster  carers’  training,  that  is  well         team and those we work with closely.  Many
      respected in the behaviour world because of             (if not all) the foster dogs that come to us
      the support it offers both our foster families          have  very  complex  medical  and  /  or
      and the dogs in their care.                             behavioural issues that we can’t just pass to

      I have known Andy professionally for many  a foster / adoptive family and leave them to
      years and he has worked with us to support  it.  That would be wrong for the family and
      a  few  of  our  rescue  dogs  in  their  new  wrong for the dog. So, it’s about teamwork
      homes.  It was great to talk with him about  between BTRF and the foster home  – they
      a passion that is close to both our hearts –  are our eyes on the ground and feedback is
      rescue!                                                 so important so we can make subtle tweaks

      Andy  does  a  huge  amount  for  the  rescue           to the plan where needed.

      world and in the early days gave me a lot of  It is not easy being a foster home, but it is
      advice and support when we were looking  very  rewarding  and  the  training  is
      to set up training for our foster homes.                interesting  if  you  are  keen  to  know  more

      Foster care is such an important role for us,           about dog centred care and how our dogs
      but it is not just about taking in a dog and  communicate  with  us.    We  are  always  on
      off  you  go.    It  really  is  the  first  and  most  the  look  out  for  more  carers  to  work  with

      important part of the dog’s rehab journey.   us, so do drop me an email if you would like
      It  can  be  hugely  emotional  and  full  of  to be considered as a foster home for us.
      uncertainties  –  especially  when  the  dog
      arrives  struggling  with  the  stress  of  its  life

      change,  arriving  in  a  strange  home  with               If you missed Kaye and Andrew
      people  that  it  doesn’t  know  and  often  too             chatting, watch it now— LINK
      certainly  with  our  rescued  Bedlingtons,
      arriving  with  pain  and  discomfort  from  For more details about the rescue go to :

      untreated  allergies,  ear  and  eye  infections
      and gut issues to name just a few.

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