Page 26 - SPRING 2023
P. 26


      We have recently had concerns raised by                  not  have  “no  dog,  no  cat,  no  children”
      a  member  of  the  public  as  to  why  we              foster homes who could have helped.
      have dogs in “kennels” and we want to
      address this issue for the benefit of all of             The best alternative we had was to find a

      our supporters and prospective adoptive                  reputable  kennel  with  appropriate
      and foster homes.                                        facilities that met the needs of our dogs
                                                               in a safe and enriched environment.  Our
      When  we  are  contacted  about  a                       primary  concern  at  each  stage  of  the

      potential  dog  which  needs  rehoming,                  process is the wellbeing of the dog. The
      our first step is always to assess the dog               reality is the majority of dogs who come
      professionally  so  that  we  can  clearly               into  our  care  are  surrendered  because
      understand  the  dog’s  needs  and  any                  they have behavioural or medical issues
      medical conditions and / or behavioural                  – often both. In our experience, a lot of
      requirements.  We do this to determine                   behavioural  problems  are  linked  to

      the  type  of  new  home  that  the  dog                 underlying  medical  issues,  but  those
      needs and the appropriate back up and                    medical        issues      are      not      always
      support  the  dog  will  need  in  a  home  /            immediately  apparent.  We  have  a  duty
      foster placement.                                        of  care  to  each  and  every  one  of  our
                                                               dogs  as  well  as  to  each  adoptive  or
      Our preference by far is to rehome dogs                  foster  family.  We  therefore  simply
      from  home  to  home.  In  fact,  until  very            cannot place a dog with an adoptive or
      recently that was the only way we could                  foster  family  if  we  do  not  know  if  that
      work  because  we  simply  did  not  have                environment  will  be  suitable.  What  we

      any  other  options  -  we  are  a  small                absolutely can't do is put the dog or the
      charity, everyone involved in the charity                family at risk.
      is a volunteer and does not get paid for
      their  time,  nor  do  we  have  our  own
      premises  or  facilities  to  take  dogs  on.

      Every  penny  that  we  raise  through
      fundraising goes on supporting the dogs
      that we are asked to rehome.

      Having  said  that,  we  have  had  several
      cases  over  the  past  couple  of  years
      where dogs needed to come out of their
      existing  home  immediately  and  simply
      could  not  wait  to  be  assessed  to  find

      them       a     new       home.        In     such
      circumstances  we  had  two  choices  -  to
      turn the dog down or to find a suitable
      kennel facility as a safe refuge, as we did

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