Page 16 - SPRING 2023
P. 16


     A while back we decided to adopt another dog as a friend for our Beddy cross. I'm

     allergic to dogs so sticking with the Bedlington theme was the best thing for me and,
     after  failing  to  find  anything  in  shelters  (they  get  snapped  up  so  quickly!),  I  came
     across BTRF online and put my name on the waiting list.

     A few months ago, we had a message to say that a male Beddy was available in our

     area and after looking at  our  initial application BTRF thought we  might be a good

     We  received  information  as  to  Freddie's  background  and  personality  so  we  could
     decide whether he was the right fit for our family. We decided we'd like to meet him

     to find out more. Having rehomed two rescue dogs in the past (including our current
     Cross) we thought we knew the process: fill in a form, get a quick home check, go
     collect dog, try and deal the best we can on our own with all the issues and stresses

     associated with getting a rescue dog.

     With  BTRF  we  couldn't have  been  more  wrong. We  were  put  in  contact  with  the
     behaviourist, Clare Grierson from Muddy Mutleys (appointed by BTRF) working with

     the  gifting  family.  She  discussed  his  personality  traits,  training  needs,  our  family
     dynamic and answered our enquiries, keeping Kaye at BTRF in the loop at all times of
     the process. We proceeded to the next step: the home visit.

     Now, in the past, home visits have consisted of someone turning up, usually a local

     volunteer, spending five minutes (at most) in your house, quick peep at the garden,
     rattling through a few questions on a clipboard, a "yep" and off they go.

     Again,  I  was  wrong.  BTRF  enlisted  the  help  of  local
     behaviourists,  Yvonne  and  Mary  from  Progressing

     Partnerships who visited us to check our home, meet
     the family, ask us a very thorough set of questions,
     and have a good chat about our dog experience and

     lifestyle.  They  gave  us  incredibly  useful  advice  and
     aspects  to  consider  with  the  adoption  of  a  second

     dog  that  we  perhaps  hadn't  considered  until  that
     point. Not just a quick home check, nor a grilling, but

     a very engaging and thorough process to ensure a good
     fit for all parties.

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