Page 24 - SPRING 2023
P. 24


     For  many  of  us,  summer  means  getting                Rapeseed

     outside and enjoying time in nature with                  We  are  coming  up  to  the  season  where
     our furry best friends! Unfortunately, this               farmers  fields  will  turn  golden  yellow  with

     also means that our pets can be exposed                   Rapeseed, feeling summery and a beautiful
     to  new  dangers.  Summer  temperatures,                  backdrop to scenic photographs.

     the  great  outdoors,  swimming,  and                     However  pretty  the  fields  look,  please  do
     barbecues  all  pose  health  risks  to  our              try to avoid walking through them with your
     pets if not monitored closely. Read more                  dogs  and  certainly  avoid  having  your  dog

     about  what  to  look  out  for  during  the              pose for photos in fields of rapeseed.

     summer,  what  you  can  do  to  prevent
                                                               Rapeseed is listed by Dogs Trust as toxic to
     these  dangers,  and  how  to  act  if  an                dogs  if  ingested  and  can  cause  symptoms
     accident occurs!                                          such as:

                                                                   Haemolytic Anaemia
     1.  Heat stroke                                               Blindness

     2.  Grass seeds                                               Damaged Nervous System
     3.  Ticks                                                     Digestive Disorders

     4.  Algae poisoning                                           Breathing Problems

     5.  Barbecue and picnic scraps                            Please be warned that some dogs can also

     6.  Insect bites                                          suffer  after  effects  from  just  running
     7.  ‘Hot spots’ (Moist eczema)                            through  Rapeseed.    Reports  have  shown
                                                               dogs  can  be  super  sensitive  to  this  plant,
     8.  Seawater
                                                               suffering  skin  lesions  and  burn-like  sores
     9.  Wounds                                                effecting their eyes and paws.  Some have
     10.  Sunburn                                              even experienced breathing difficulties from

     11.  Drowning                                             the pollen.

     12.  Toads                                                If  you  think  your  dog  is  showing
     13.  Fly strike                                           symptoms  of  rapeseed  poisoning,  seek

     14.  Fleas                                                immediate veterinary attention.

     15.  Travelling abroad with your dog
                                                               What's Poisonous To Your Dog | Home &
     16.  Other summer hazards
                                                               Garden | Dogs Trust
           •    Snake bites

           •    Cold water tail syndrome

           •    Fish hooks                                     Read the full list here

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