Page 20 - SPRING 2023
P. 20


                            Well  done  Natalia,  one
                            of our Trustees  and our
                            legal representative.  She

                            ran  for  BTRF  in  the
                            Hampton        Court      Half
                            Marathon.   Some of the
                            BTRF  Team    were  there
                            to  cheer  her  across  the
                            very  wet  and  muddy
       finish line.  Despite the awful weather she
       cracked  it  by  coming  in  at  her  Personal
       Best - 2hours 13mins.

                          Chester  Half  Marathon
                          Sunday  21  May  2023  –
                          Natalia  is  running  for


       Minnie  has  come  to  us  in  need  of  help            A big thank you to supporter Catherine
       with the usual Bedlington allergies – skin,

       ears,  eyes  and  gut  issues.  We  are  slowly          Holmes  who  accepted  a  dare  to
       working through these issues for her but                 overcome  her  fear  of  heights  and
       we  are  now  needing  to  carry  out  some              mobility issues.   She took on a climbing
       essential allergy tests so that we can get               wall challenge and nailed it!
       to the bottom of the cause of the allergies.
       These tests are costly, but we need to get
       them done as soon as possible to help her.               She  has  donated  £110  on  behalf  of
                                                                herself  and  Askham  Bryan  College
             Natalia has very kindly offered to
                    RUN FOR MINNIE!!!                           Outreach  Team  in  memory  of  her  two
                                                                Beddies, Millie and Rosie.
       Please  support  her  as  she  steps  out  on
       Sunday and if you’re in the area you can
       pop along to cheer her over the finish line,             Thank you for taking on this challenge,
       you will see her sporting her special BTRF               Catherine - BTRF will absolutely put this
       running vest, so you won’t miss her!                     to good use caring for the  foster dogs
                                                                we have with us at the moment.
       Please  support  Natalia  –  this  little  girl
       needs our help!                                          Well done!!

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