Page 15 - SPRING 2023
P. 15


                       und raising

     Well,  take  a  look  at  me                                       Best  of  all,  when  I  was  back  on
     now!!    You  may  remember                                        my feet and feeling tip top, BTRF
     me – I’m Luna!  I came into                                        decided it was time for me to be
     BTRF’s       care       back       in                              adopted. After lots of discussions

     September  2021  –  Covid                                          between my foster mum and dad
     time !                                                             and  the  BTRF  team  it  was
                                                                        decided  amongst  everyone  that
     I  went  into  foster  care
     because  I  needed  a  lot  of                                     it would be the right decision for
     medical help and my staff at                                       my  foster  parents  to  adopt  me
     BTRF and Aunty Lisa needed                                         because  they  had  cared  for  me
     to  closely  oversee  my  care.                                    so  well  and  BTRF  knew  I  would
     My  medical  care  involved  a                                     be in safe   hands.

     change  of  diet  and  getting                                     So here I am now in my forever
     me  onto  special  powders                                          home with my new family (who
     (called supplements!) which                                         are still on the foster carers team
     really  helped  me  feel  much                                      in  case  there  is  another  Beddie

     better and I had to have my                                         that needs to rest its head for a
     teeth  cleaned  as  they  were                                      while!) and I’m very happy.  And
     really  yuk  (now  they  are                                        look  at  me  now!  You  wouldn’t
     pearly white!).                                                     recognise me!
     Although I felt a whole heap
     better,  my  tummy  was  still                                      So,  this  is  Luna  signing  off!    I’m
     giving me jip so after a lot of                                     sure  I’ll  keep  you  posted  on  my
     feeling  and  looking,  my                                          ‘tales’  as  I  really  get  my  feet
     super  sleuth  medical  team                                        under the table in my new home.
     discovered  I  had  something                                         Thank  you  everyone  for  your

     called  a  double  ernie  (no                                       donations  –  keep  them  coming
     that’s  a  double  hernia,
     Luna!).                                                             because it means that BTRF can
                                                                         continue  to  help  dogs  in  need
     I had to have an operation but that was                             like  me  –  it’s  really  easy  to
     going  to  be  quite  costly,  so  the  BTRF                        donate and if you can Gift Aid it
     Fundraising  team  put  together  a                                 too BTRF get another 25% at no
     JustGiving  Campaign  to  raise  enough                             extra cost to you.
     funds for me to have the operation. Our
     amazing supporters (you guys!) rose to                              Bye  bye  everyone  and  thank
     the challenge, and we raised the funds                              you!

     and I had my operation and wow, did I                           Lucky Luna!
     feel better after that.!/DonationDetails

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