Page 18 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 18


     We rehomed a lovely lad back in 2018 and it’s really special to continue to
     get regular updates from his adopted family.

     He  has  had  his  ups  and  downs  with  illness  in  recent  years,  but  never
     ceases to amaze his Mum and Dad! He became so poorly with a major
     pancreatitis  flare  and  irritable  bowel  that  it  necessitated  trips  to
     Aunty Lisa and the brilliant team at Eden Vets.

     Eden and the local vets were in regular consultation as they tried to find the right dosages
     of the right meds, right food (Kangaroo!) and lots of supplements to support his care.
     It has been a real roller coaster ride but now he is looking and feeling so much better and
     enjoying life to the full, and we are told he is an absolute star who is clearly very much

     Our  thanks  to  his  ‘Lovely  People’  for  caring  for  him  so  well  and  to  all  the  vets  and
     Aunty Lisa for their help and support to get him where he is now!

     (Regretfully, since this update was written, Buzz became very poorly again and
     has now passed over the Rainbow Bridge - run free little man).

     A very happy 7th Gotcha Day for our little Poppy!

     Our thanks to her ‘Lovely Person’ for adopting her all that time ago
     and  for  taking  such  good  care  of  her  and  to  all  our  supporters,

     without whom none of this would be possible.

     A very 'Happy 9th Birthday' to one of our BTRF lads Gryff, rehomed
     five years ago! Where has that time gone?

     He is doing really well, loves life and is very special to his 'Mum'

     Another lovely Christmas update! Apollo was adopted four years
     ago and is a happy, healthy boy!
     He also enjoys helping with the jigsaw puzzles! Well sort of helping,

     he is laying on the missing bits!!!!!
     Enjoy your life little man and thank you to his ‘Lovely People’ for
     caring for him so well.

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