Page 27 - SPRING 2023
P. 27

For  these  reasons,  and  only  in                       majority of time or can arrange cover for
    exceptional cases, we have no choice but                  shopping, hospital visits etc. It also needs
    to  use  a  kennelling  facility.  The  word              to  be  a  stable  environment  so  homes
    ‘kennel’ often conjures up images of dogs                 with  a  very  active  lifestyle  may  not  be
    in cages left to their own devices. This is               suitable.  As  these  tend  to  be  complex

    simply not the case with the facility that                cases,  we  have  very  carefully  prepared
    we  use.  Because  of  the  nature  of  the               treatment plans - plans which have been
    care,     enrichment,         stimulation        and      put  together  by  the  experts  who  are
    accommodation  that  this  organisation                   looking  after  the  dog,  these  being  the

    provides,  it  is  the  only  one  we  are                behaviourist and the vet, in consultation
    prepared to work with and that meet our                   with a representative of our team. Foster
    exacting  standards.  It  also  means  that               homes  must  be  able  to  follow  and
    the dogs can be under the watchful eye                    comply with these plans as any deviation
    of our medical and behavioural teams.                     from  or  inconsistency  in  following  the
                                                              plan can cause a serious set back for the
    Once the dog has been assessed and we                     dog. Foster homes must also be able to
    understand  the  extent  of  any  medical                 work  with  the  experts  and  specialists
    and/or behavioural issues, then we start                  who are looking after the dog.
    our search for a new home. Often, in the

    first instance this may be a foster home                  Being a foster home is not easy and this
    with  a  view  to  adoption.  Again,  this  is            is  why  we  provide  training  and  support
    because  the  dog  may  need  ongoing                     to  our  foster  families  and  our  foster
    medical  and/or  behavioural  support                     scheme  is  highly  respected  in  the

    which  is  not  cheap  and  we  could  not                behaviour world.
    expect  an  adoptive  home  to  cover  the
    cost of this specialist care, indeed even if              So, if you do not have any other animals
    we could find one!                                        or  children,  if  you  are  retired  or  work
                                                              from home, if you can follow a treatment
    Where there are significant medical and/                  plan which may contain requirements as
    or  behavioural  issues,  dogs  may  not  be              to the diet, supplements, medication and
    able  to  go  into  a  home  where  there  is             often carefully managed exercise, and if
    another dog, another animal (e.g. cat or                  you  can  work  with  us  and  our
    other small furries) or children. Again, we               behaviourists and vets, then please head

    simply  do  not  have  any  or  many  foster              over  to  our  website  and  complete  a
    homes who satisfy that criteria.                          Home Enquiry Form stating that you are
                                                              interested in foster. We need both short
    In the early days and weeks, most rescue                  and long term foster homes.

    dogs cannot be left alone at all or for any
    length of time so the foster home needs                   Finding a home is not as straightforward
    to be one where someone is at home the                    as it may seem!

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