Page 18 - Summer 2024
P. 18


     As  some  of  you  know,  we  had  to  say  our           hindquarters  and  back  and  the  bimonthly
     goodbyes  to  Percy  Picklepants.    The  team            chiropractor  sessions.  We  were  also

     and  his  immediate  carers  have  needed                 preparing  to  start  some hydrotherapy  and
     some time to come to terms with his loss –                as  result  we  were  even  able  to  start  to
     he has been a big part of our lives for over              reduce some of his pain meds.

     two  years  -  we  also  needed  to  notify  his
                                                               He  had  been  doing  so  well  that  we  felt
     sponsors and now we feel ready to officially
                                                               ready  to  give  him  another  try  in  a  home
     share  this  sad  news  with  our  loyal
                                                               environment  –  previous  attempts  of  a
     supporters.                                               home  environment  caused  increased  pain

     You may remember Percy came to us when                    because  having  more  space  (i.e.  a  garden

     he was deemed unmanageable in his early                   for him to run in) and having sofas or even
     months. He was thought to be a ‘naughty’,                 stairs  caused  more  pain  for  the  lad.
     out-of-control  teenager,  but  we  could  see            However,  we  had  a  lovely  fully  checked
     straight  away  all  was  not  quite  right  with         foster  home  lined  up,  an  ACE  Free  work

     his movement.                                             instructor     with      lots    of     experience
                                                               rehabilitating rescue dogs.
     The  first  step  in  such  cases  is  to  try  and
     determine  whether  or  not  the  dog  is  in             But then Percy being Percy, he threw us a
     pain as this type of behaviour can often be               massive curve ball.

     directly linked to pain. This is done through             When his carer was taking him for his vet
     a  pain relief trial  working  closely with the           MOT in readiness for his move to his foster
     vet and monitoring response.                              placement,  he  was  exhibiting  unusually

     When we started the pain-relief trial – he                high  signs  of  stress  and  became  super

     became calm and relaxed almost instantly –                “bitey”. We needed to x ray his chest area
     we  knew  we  were  on  the  right  track                 urgently because he was clearly in a lot of
     because it was clear he was in a great deal               pain.

     of pain.                                                  The  x  rays  showed  that  he  had  basically
     Following lots of tests, including x rays, two            popped two ribs off his sternum. There was

     MRI  scans  and  groundbreaking  pain  trace              no  external  sign  of  trauma,  so  the  x  rays
     technology,  we  finally  got  a  diagnosis  of           were sent off to his orthopaedic consultant
     what  is  a  fairly  rare  condition  in  dogs  –         to  review.  The  conclusion  was  that  with

     hypermobility. Having this diagnosis meant                Percy’s  hypermobility,  it  could  easily  have
     that  we  now  knew  what  we  could  do  to              happened simply getting out of his bed or
     make  him  feel  better  and  ensure  that  he            twisting in a certain way – so basically just
     had  the  right  treatment.    Since  starting            doing normal dog stuff. However he did it,

     treatment,  Percy  had  been  doing  really               there  was  no  surgical  fix,  so  we
     well. He had been having regular physio to                immediately significantly increased his pain
     help  strengthen  the  muscles  in  his                   meds  to  make  sure  he  was  more

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