Page 23 - Summer 2024
P. 23
The Pet Abduction Bill becomes law
Prior to parliament dissolving, the Pet Abduction Bill was
passed and received Royal Assent on 24th May.
The new legislation creates specific criminal offences for
dog and cat abduction in England and Northern Ireland.
Under the Pet Abduction Act 2024 – which was a Private
Members’ Bill sponsored by Anna Firth MP and Lord Black
of Brentwood and supported by the Government – anyone
found guilty of stealing a pet in England or Northern Ireland
will face up to five years in prison, a fine, or both.
The new law recognises that cats and dogs are not inanimate objects but sentient
beings capable of experiencing distress and other emotional trauma when they are
stolen from their owners or keepers.
Update on Tuk’s Law
Despite changes to the RCVS Code of Conduct, dogs/cats
can still legally be euthanised without being scanned. In
non-emergencies, we want vets to be legally required to
scan microchips prior to euthanasia for RBU and confirm
the person presenting the animal is registered on the
Tuk's Law requests vets be required to: Failure to scan microchip and contact
• Scan microchips prior to euthanising a RBU or registered keeper should result
healthy/treatable animal in a non- in an independent investigation
emergency situation. involving all interested parties.
• Confirm RBU/keeper on original The petition for the introduction of new
database of unknown animals legal requirements for vets prior to
presented for euthanasia. euthanasia of dogs and cats was closed
• Seek alternative options in non life early because of the General Election,
threatening/non-emergency situations. which means all Parliamentary business,
• Require corroborating evidence if an including petitions, was stopped. The
unsubstantiated reason for euthanasia petition will not be reopened after the
is made. Election and a new petition will have to
be started.