Page 22 - Summer 2024
P. 22


     Dogs can’t cool themselves down as well as  quickly  and  then  acts  to  trap  the  heat
     people  because  their  ability  to  sweat  is  against your pet even more.
     limited  and  mainly  through  their  paws.                Stick to the shade : An easy tip for keeping
     They  need  to  rely  on  other  methods  such           your dog cool in the summer is to stay in the
     as panting  to  keep  cool.  Their  inability  to        shade.    Garden  trees  and  shrubs  can offer
     sweat coupled with a fur coat makes them                 some  shady  spots,  however,  in  cases  of
     at high risk of overheating and heatstroke.
                                                              extreme heat, it may be too hot for them to
     Get  a  paddling  pool  :  Invest  in  a  solid  go  outside,  other  than  for  a  quick  toilet
     paddling pool that’s made out of a durable  break, even if they stay out of the sun.
     material.    Pop  it  in  a  shady  spot  in  the          Get a fan :  Get a fan and use next to your
     garden  and fill  with  cool  water. Make sure           dog’s bed to keep them cool. For your dog’s
     not  to  fill  it  too  high  as  your  dog  may         safety  it’s  important  to  never  leave  them
     struggle to get out.
                                                              unsupervised  with  the  fan  on.  Some  dogs
     If  your  dog  isn’t  a  water  baby,  encourage  can find a fan stressful, so keep an eye on
     them to  stand in the water  as  it can work  your pet and turn the fan off if it’s troubling
     wonders        with     cooling      down       body  them  as  becoming  distressed  can  make
     temperature  as  they  absorb  and  release  panting and overheating worse.
     heat through their paws.
                                                              Carefully plan your walks : Never take your
     Keep  them  hydrated  :  Make  sure  they’re  dog  out  in the midday  sun when  it’s  hot -
     drinking  enough  so  they  don’t  get  stick to early morning or late evening.  It’s a

     dehydrated.  Ensure there’s easily accessible  good idea to keep walks shorter and head to
     fresh, clean drinking water in lots of bowls  shadier areas such as woodlands.
     around your home and garden.
                                                              You  should  avoid  pavements  and  roads  as
     Offer  ice  treats  :  Some  owners  pop  ice  these can burn your dog’s paw pads.  Before
     cubes  in  the  water  bowl  –  but  you  should  walking  your  dog  on  these  surfaces,  place

     keep  an  eye  as  they  can  be  a  choking  your bare hand or foot on the ground and if
     hazard.  You  can  buy  ice  lollies  for  dogs  it’s  too  hot  for you to  hold it there for 10
     which  make  a  tasty  snack  but  don’t  give  seconds, it’s definitely too hot for your dog.
     your  pet  human  ice  lollies  or  ice  creams            Keep up with regular grooming : Make sure
     because these are high in sugar and contain              you carry out regular grooming. Many dogs
     sweeteners that are toxic to dogs.
                                                              shed their coat during the summer months
     Try cooling mats, coats and collars : There  so grooming will help to keep them cooler. If
     are many cooling mats, coats and collars on  you’ve got a pup with longer fur, it may be a
     the  market  specially  designed  for  dogs.   good idea to consider a summer trim. Speak
     Always follow the specific product guidance  to a professional groomer about this though
     as  some  of  these  can  also  heat  up  after  a  as  some  fluffy  dog  breeds  have  fur  that’s
     few hours.                                               designed to keep them cool as well as warm
                                                              and  by  clipping  it  off,  you  may  be  doing
     Do  not  use  wet  towels  :  The  advice  of
     soaking a towel with cool, but not freezing,             more harm than good.

     water and placing it over your dog is quite               For further advice and guidance, go to the
     popular.  However,  this  will  warm  up  very                             RSPCA website

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