Page 14 - Summer 2024
P. 14


     You  may  remember  little  Tegan  who                    After  several  months  on  the  pain
     came into foster with us last year.  When                 medication and physio to help build the

     she arrived, she was in such a sorry state                muscle strength in her back and hips, a
     that she had to go straight to our vet to                 decent  diet  with  a  specially  tailored
     be assessed and treated, she was clearly                  supplement plan to help keep her in tip
     in a lot of pain in her back.                             top condition, she was doing well.

     We  immediately  started  her  on  some
     pain  relief  to  help  her  feel  more
     comfortable  and  allowed  her  time  to
     settle  into  her  new  foster  home  and
     relax following her life change.

     Following another full vet check a week
     later,  it  was  agreed  by  the  vet  and
     Tegan’s BTRF care team that she needed
     an MRI scan of her back and hips to find

     out exactly what was going on.

     It was found that the poor little girl had
     ruptured a disc in her back which might
     require  surgery  if  the  disc  didn’t  heal

     with very carefully managed rest and a
     pain medication protocol.                                 However,  over  the  last  few  weeks  the
                                                               foster carers have noticed that her spark
                                                               for life wasn’t quite what it was, and she
                                                               was  starting  to  roach  quite  badly

                                                               through  her  back  and  her  mobility
                                                               wasn’t  quite  right.  The  physio  had  also
                                                               noticed some changes.

     Her  carers  did  an  amazing  job  looking               Following another thorough assessment
     after  her,  making  sure  she  got  the  rest            and  review,  Tegan’s  vet  agreed  that  all

     she  needed  and  updating  us  on  her                   was not right, and she adjusted her pain
     progress  on  a  daily  basis.  Thankfully                medication  accordingly.    She  has
     when she was re-examined a few weeks                      suggested that Tegan will need another
     later  the  orthopaedic  surgeon  was                     MRI  to  see  if  there  have  been  any

     happy  that  the  disc  had  resolved,  and               changes  to  the  disc  and  if  further
     the surgery was not required.                             treatment will be needed.

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