Page 20 - Summer23 Newsletter
P. 20
After Bert left the hospital his care was on life itself, travelled all over the country.
overseen by our fabulous local veterinary He walked through woods, across
practice where he gained celebrity status. moorland, along beaches, even over
We all know when we go to the vets, we Glastonbury Tor always with me looking
get there 10 minutes early and go into after him, it was my job after all.
see the vet half an hour later, but not He loved and lived life to the full while he
Bert. He had lots of trips to the vets, was with us but as the saying goes, time
nothing serious just little blips, usually waits for no man or dog and his past life
digestive issues caused by years of bad started to catch up with him. He passed
diet. We would call and you could literally away in our living room in front of the fire
hear the receptionist shout through to with everyone who loved him present,
the back 'It's Berrrt he's not well!!' and and me by his side as always. It was a
the reply would come back 'Tell them to good way to go if there is such a thing,
bring him straight down!' So we would but because I was there, I understood
arrive (I accompanied him everywhere) better what had happened but I was still
and be taken straight in, past all the other very sad. Not only had I lost my friend but
patients waiting for their turn and in to also my job.
see the vet.
Here are a few photos of the both of us,
On one occasion the vet, Dr Faye, decided the first one is us at Derwentwater in the
to keep him for the afternoon just to Lakes with Bert wearing his special
make sure he was ok. He was very at harness. The second is of us walking in
home in the back of the practice, that Bluebelle Wood, and the last one is us
when a delivery driver came in, Bert sporting our BTRF bandanas.
started making a chuffing sound, Dr Faye
said it was like he was saying 'ladies,
ladies there's a man in here that I don't
know, should he be in here?' Bert was
reassured and he said 'ok that's fine just
checking' and went back to sleep!
Shortly after this and unbeknown to me,
That boy had charisma no two ways a little Bedlington was advertised on the
about it, so much so that he was chosen internet for sale.
to attend a photo shoot at the Kennel Little did I know our
Club HQ in Aylesbury for rescue dogs. His paths were soon to
photo was also used by Bedlington cross!
Terriers FC on a pitch side advertisement
But ... that’s another story for the next
The little guy who had spent years in
isolation and at one point had given up chapter and issue!