Page 25 - Summer23 Newsletter
P. 25


     ACE Freework                               NEWSLETTERS
     Bucket Game
                                                Spring 2023
     Christmas Survival for Dogs                                           This  scheme  means  we  know
     Copper Toxicosis                                                      what donations are coming in
                                                Spring 2022                on  a  regular  basis,  this
     Habituation sounds for                                                then  helps  us  with  financial
     puppies                                     Summer 2022               planning.
                                                Autumn 2022
     Lucy’s Law
     Poisonous Plants and                       Winter 2022                Every penny helps of course so
     Hazards                                                               whatever  you  can  spare  each
                                                                           month will help us in our work
     Resilience in Puppies                      Spring 2021                rescuing        and        rehoming
     Shock Collar Ban                           Summer 2021                Bedlingtons and their crosses.

     Suddenly spooked -                         Autumn 2021
     Secondary fear phase in                                               We  currently  have  dogs  in
                                                                           foster  care  that  are  needing
     adolescent dogs                            Spring 2020                ongoing        medical         and/or
     Separation Success Level 1                 Summer 2020                behavioural  care.  A  monthly

     Why Adolescence is so                      Autumn 2020                amount  will  help  us  to
     Tricky                                     Christmas 2020             continue  to  support  these
                                                Quincy Special             dogs  by  giving  them  the  care

                                                2020                       they need.

                                   Xylitol  (sometimes  called            What does an adder look like?
                                   wood sugar or birch sugar)             The  adder  is  a  small,
                                                                          chunky  snake  with  an
                                   is     a     common           sugar
                                                                          obvious zig-zag pattern
                                   substitute that can be toxic           down  its  back  and  a

                                   to  dogs.    Even  small  V-shape marking on its
                                   amounts can be fatal.                  head.

                                   It's regularly found in sugar-         First aid for a snake bite
                                   free         chewing          gum,     1.  Stay calm.
                                                                          2.  Keep  your  dog  as  still  as
                                   toothpaste,          mouthwash,
                                                                              possible  to  prevent  venom
                                   vitamin  supplements,  a                   spreading around their body.

                                   small  handful  of  peanut  3.  Leave  the  bite  alone,  don't
                                   butter  brands  and  other                 apply a bandage or tourniquet.
                                   'low  sugar'  or  sugar-free           4.  Call you vet to let them know
                                                                              you  are  coming  down  to  the
                                   products.                                  practice.

                                   Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs | Blue Cross
                                                                           Full advice at the PDSA

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