Page 19 - Summer23 Newsletter
P. 19


     I was then let off my lead and I headed  Due  to  Berts'  delicate  spinal  condition,
     straight over to him, I licked him all over  things like jumping in and out of the car

     his face and did both ears as well. Now,  or going over stiles on his walks were an
     the old boy may have been deaf, but he  absolute no. This did limit us as to what
     knew exactly what I was  saying.  He let  we could do and where we could go.

     out  a  large  sigh  and  slowly  dragged                  BTRF  managed  to  source  a  special
     himself up onto his feet, he took 5 or 6                 harness  for  him,  the  type  used  by  the
     steps towards the door and then sat back                 military  and  search  and  rescue  dogs  in

     down,  this  was  the  break  we  had  been              the  aftermath  of  an  earthquake,  to  lift
     looking for.                                             dogs into difficult areas. That was a game

     The medics took the immediate decision                   changer  he  could  go  anywhere  that  I

     that  I  could  do  something  for  him  that            could now.

     science  could  not.    An  hour  later  and             We  would  visit  a  special  secure  field
     with  a  huge  quantity  of  medication  we              where Bert could have a wander off lead

     were heading for home.                                   safely.  Sometimes he would get his head

     The  next  two  weeks  were  very  hard,                 down and following a scent, would start
     Mum  had  to  temporarily  close  her                    to  wander  a  little,  and  because  he  was

     business as he needed 24 hour care, she                  deaf he couldn't be recalled. I was taught
     could only have something to eat or get a                a new cue which was ‘FIND HIM’, a small
     shower when he was asleep, and I never                   treat was attached to Bert’s harness and

     left  his  side.  Gradually  over  the  next             off he would go.

     month  he  improved,  and  under  careful                I  knew  where  it  was  and  was  given  the
     supervision he went from a few steps to                  cue  and  released.  I  would  go  after  him

     longer walks. Here is a photo of Bert and                and  get  the  treat.  When  I  turned  up  it
     I, and a couple of my favourites of him.                 would  cause  him  to  stop  what  he  was
                                                              doing  and  look  around,  when  he  made
                                                              eye  contact  with  Mum  and  Dad  he  was

                                                              given a hand signal, and at the same time
                                                              I was given my recall whistle. We both of

                                                              us received a treat when we came back.

                                                              Now  Bert  loved  his  food  and  over  time
                                                              he  started  checking  in  with  Mum  and

                                                              Dad visually every 10 to 15 seconds, ever
                                                              watchful  for  the  recall  signal  which
                                                              meant treat time, I also learnt the hand
                                                              signal  and  would  recall  for  a  treat

                                                              without my verbal command.

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