Page 16 - Summer23 Newsletter
P. 16


                                                   Did you guess our

                                                    mystery judges?

                                                   Here’s the clue !

     BTRF  would  like  to  thank  the  legendry  Hale  and  Pace for

     agreeing to judge this year’s BTRF Calendar Competition.

     Gareth  Hale  and  Norman  Pace  met  at  Avery  Hill  teacher-
     training  college  in  Eltham,  South-East  London.    After  five

     years in education, they moved to entertainment in the late
     1970s.    They  performed  mostly  in  the  Tramshed  in
     Woolwich, London for seven years.       Before appearing on

     TV,  they  did  a  series  of  radio  shows  for  Radio  4  based  on
     their  show  at  the  Tramshed.  Their  early  TV  breaks  came

     on  The  Entertainers (1984) and Pushing  Up Daisies (1984),
     and  they  went  on  to  appear  in  the  Channel  4  sketch

     show Coming Next (1985) and Saturday Gang (1986). They
     also  appeared  in  The  Young  Ones  three  times,  in  the

     episodes "Flood", "Nasty" and "Time".

     Their  most  famous  comic  creations  are  the  stone-faced

     bouncers  The  Two  Rons  who  are  also  known  as  The

     Hale  and  Pace  are  also  famous  for  their  ever-smiling  and

     colourfully-dressed children's TV presenters Billy (Hale) and
     Johnny (Pace), and rockers Jed and Dave.

        Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates

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