Page 17 - Summer23 Newsletter
P. 17


                      Bedlington Terriers have to be  to have you, their guardian  do  this, but in
                      one of the cuter  breeds  with  the right way of course.  Clipping little and
                      their  lamb-like  looks  and  often is better than setting out to do all four
                      adorable          curly       coats.  paws  in  one  go.  Work  co-operatively  with
                      However,  they  are  not  the  your dog and be mindful of body language,
     easiest  of  dogs  to  keep  looking  neat  and  respecting  this  if  you  see  that  your  dog
     tidy. The wonderful thing about the breed is  needs  a  break. We will  be introducing  you
     they don't shed their coats like other dogs.  to The Bucket Game in the next issue – this
     However, it does not mean Bedlingtons are  is a well-known training technique that we
     low-maintenance dogs, quite the opposite!                teach  our  foster  homes  to  help  with
                                                              co-operative  handling  and  building  trust
     Keeping Things Tidy
     Bedlingtons  need  to  be  brushed  and                  around  care  giving.    Making  this  less
     combed  on  a  daily  basis  to  get  rid  of  any       stressful and more fun for your dog.  Watch
     excess hair that's clinging to their coats.   It's       this space!

     also  a  good  idea  to  have  Bedlingtons  Daily Grooming is a Good Routine
     professionally clipped every 6-8 weeks and  Grooming  your  dog  on  a  daily  basis  is  a
     this is especially true as the weather warms  good routine as it allows you to check them

     up during the summer months.  A shorter,  for  any  injuries,  lumps  and  bumps.  It  also
     neater  coat  helps  keep  your  dog  cooler  allows  you  to  see  if  they  have  caught  any
     making life a lot more comfortable.                      nasty  parasites,  namely  fleas,  mites  and
                                                              other  troublesome  blood  sucking  horrors
     A well established and reputable, but most
     importantly  a  force  free  dog  groomer,  will         that like living on dogs.

     be able to thin, trim and clip your dog's coat  Tools You Will Need
     where needed.                                            If  you  decide  to  trim  your  dog,  there  are
                                                              plenty  of  Youtube  videos  available  for
     A  professional  groomer  will  check  your
     dog's ears to make sure there's isn't a build-           trimming lines.

     up of wax or any nasty odours which could                You  will  need  clippers,
     be a sign of infection. They will also trim the          blades,    a  slicker  brush,
     hairs  inside  your  pet's  ears  which  can             straight  scissors,  and  a
     become  a  nuisance  when  it  comes  to  ear            fine  tooth  metal  comb
     infections.                                              (and plenty of treats).

     Clipping Nails is a Must
     Even  though  you  take  your  dog  out  on  a           Shop  with  Christies  direct  or  Groomers
     daily  basis  for  regular  walks  and  exercise,        Online  through  easyfundraising  to  raise  a
     you  still  need  to  check  their  nails  because       donation for Bedlington Terrier Rescue).
     the chances are they are being worn down

     unevenly  which  can  cause  extra  strain  on
     those  little  legs  and  paws.  A  lot  of  dog
     owners  don't  feel  comfortable  about
     trimming their pet's claws for fear of making
     them bleed.  It is less stressful to your dog

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