Page 7 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 7


    We promised to bring you all up to speed  and  we  still  can’t  quite  pin  down  the
    with  Percy’s  rescue  story  before  the  source.  But  we  have  got  him  feeling  a
    winter  auction  starts  on  19th  February.   LOT better. The right diet, supplements,
    Percy is up to his eyes approving all the  pain  medication,  physiotherapy,  rest,
    lovely items that are being listed on the  behavioural  support  …  and  Percy  Pickle
    Auction page so he has asked Aunty Lisa  Pants  is  now  Percy  Poppet  (unless  he’s
    to write his update for you all!                        up to mischief – as all the best beddies

    So here is a quick run down on his story.
    Deemed  unmanageable  in  his  early  But we are starting to see some signs his
    months,  Mr  Percy  was  a  very  stressed  pain  is  getting  a  bit  worse  and  at  just
    dog when he first arrived in BTRF’s care  over  2.5  years  old,  we  need  to  raise
    almost two years ago.                                   some  extra  funds  to  get  a  second  MRI
                                                            done to see if we can now pinpoint the
    He  bounced  everywhere  on  his  2  back               cause  (sometimes the behavioural  signs
    legs,  chewed  and  ate  his  way  through              appear  before  the  clinical  ones  and
    everything he could find, was terrified of              we’re hoping that a year on, something
    being  groomed,  hated  being  separated                may now show up to help us get a more
    but didn’t really want to be touched, was               permanent fix).

    unsure  about  other  dogs  and  had  very
    few positive experiences to draw on.                    This  beautiful  boy  has  his  whole  life
                                                            ahead of him, thanks to BTRF – and we
    He  arrived  with  a  ‘clean  bill  of  health’         will support him for the rest of his life to
    and was just  thought to be  a  ‘naughty’,              ensure he stays happy and well.

    out-of-control  teenager,  but  we  knew
    this was going to be a case for Aunty Lisa  The  proceeds  from  the  Winter  auction
    and her Dynamic Dog Practitioner skills.                will  go  towards  meeting  his  fundraising
                                                            target so we can have the MRI scan done

    We  could  see  straight  away  all  was  not  to be able to continue his essential care
    quite right with his movement and when  and see him flourish.
    we  started  a  pain-relief  trial  –  and
    watched  him  calm  and  relax  almost                                          PLEASE  support  the
    instantly – we knew we were on the right                                        auction  to  help  Mr  P
    track  …  we  just  didn’t  know  how                                           continue  his  ‘Mission
    complicated the path would prove to be!                                         Mischief’!

    Our  gorgeous  Mr  Percy  is  quite  the
    medical mystery.  He has clear pain in his
    right hind leg, which responds well (but
    not  fully)  to  a  comprehensive  pain                  BTRF Auction Page | Facebook
    management  strategy.    He  has  had
    x-rays,  an  MRI,  been  reviewed  by
    orthopaedic  and  neurological  specialists

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