Page 12 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 12


       As  the  cost  of  living  continues  to  rise,  the charity’s network of  over 420 food
       many  are  struggling  to  afford  to  feed             banks across the UK.
       both themselves and their beloved pets.
       As a result, pet food banks have seen a                 Charities that can help
       massive rise in requests for help.                      Some  animal  charities  help  owners
                                                               struggling  with  vet  bills,  either  by
       Pet  food  banks  provide  a  supply  of
       free  pet  food  to  people  in  financial              providing  some  of  the  payment  or  by
                                                               offering reduced costs through their own
       hardship,  helping  prevent  animals  from
       being  handed  into  rescue  centres  or                clinics.  In  most  cases,  you'll  need  to  fit
                                                               specific criteria so check first.
       simply abandoned.
                                                               To see if any of the below charities offer
       If you're a pet owner who's struggling to
       cope with the cost of food or healthcare,               services  that  are  available  in  your  area
       advice and support is available, although               please visit their websites. You may find
       sometimes its hard to find.                             there are charities for your specific area.

       The  RSPCA  Pet  Food  Bank  project                    People's  Dispensary  for  Sick  Animals
       collects pet food donations and delivers                (PDSA)  provides  low-cost  and  free  vet
       them  to  food  banks  for  owners  and                 care  to  the  sick  and  injured  pets  of
       animals  in  need.  The  cost-of-living                 people  in  need.  Depending  on  your

       crisis  means  the  service  is  more  in
       demand than ever.                                       location  and  benefit  status  you  may  be
                                                               eligible for support from PDSA.
       The  Pets  at  Home  Foundation  made  a
       very  generous  grant  of  more  than                   Dogs Trust  offers free and reduced-cost
       £150,000  which  has  allowed  the  RSPCA  vet  assistance  for  people  who  are  in

       to  expand  its  scheme  to  reach  more  housing crisis or are homeless. Visit Dogs
       people and pets in need.                                Trust to find out more.

       The  Dogs  Trust  have  opened  some                    The RSPCA - the majority of their funding
       temporary  dog  food  banks  for  anyone                goes to rescuing animals who have been

       struggling  to  feed  their  dog.    They  are
       also  asking  for  people  to  support  their           treated  cruelly,  however  through  their
       community  and  help  dogs  in  need  in                local  branches  and  hospitals  they  can
       their local areas by donating unopened,                 sometimes help with vet bills.
       in date food and treats.

                                                               Let’s not forget cats:
       Webbox has  partnered  with  UK  poverty                Cat's Protection offers free and low-cost
       charity The  Trussell  Trust to  donate  pet            neutering schemes throughout the UK.

       food and treats to the people referred to

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