Page 4 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 4


       Hi everyone, Eddy here, kicking off this Winter eNewsletter!

       I feel well enough now to update you all myself personally! Up to now, Aunty Kaye

       has been keeping you in the loop!

       It's been an interesting journey over the last few weeks but I am feeling and looking
       so much better and thoroughly enjoying life!

       As you all know I had an operation on my eyes to see                          (no  pun          intended!!)

       if we could find out why they were causing me so much grief.  I have an amazing eye
       doctor who discovered that I have an allergy that is
       affecting  my  eyes  and  making  them  water  all  the

       time.    How  fascinating  is  that?    Who  would  have
       thought that an allergy could  affect eyes? Well it is

       looking more and more like it may be something in
       my diet - clever Aunty Lisa may well be right!  She

       suspected that this could be the case.

       So I’m now on a very special diet which is yummy (they call it  an exclusion diet).

       I  also have  lots of different supplements to make  sure  I stay in tip top condition!
       And I have regular eye drops to keep my eyes from drying out.

       My treatment is  ongoing and is likely to be for the rest of my life. My Campaign Page

       is still open as the treatment is quite expensive but BTRF are determined to keep
       supporting me as I keep being told how special I am!

       I'll let you know how my food tests go -

       looking forward to these!!!

       Big hugs

       Eddy xx

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