Page 9 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 9


                                                         und raising

      Hello all! It's me - the lovely Luna!!                  So I have started my new life and I must

      I've  been  busy  looking  after  my  foster            say I am very happy.

      Mum and Dad since the last issue.  They                 I  will  of  course  keep  you  posted  every

      both  went  down  with  the  dreaded                    now and again so you can see how well

      Covid and they were both quite poorly                   I’m  doing.    But  I  wanted  to  just  thank

      so  I  needed  to  dish  out  lots  of  licky           everyone  out  there  in  supporter  land

      slurps  and  cuddles.  They  are  much                  for all your donations towards the care
      better  now  so  I  can  share  my  very                of  us  foster  dogs  -  we  wouldn't  be  as

      special news - I have been sitting on my                happy  and  healthy  as  we  are  without

      paws, super keen to tell you!                           your donations.  It means that BTRF can

                                                              give  us  the  care  and  support  we  all
                                                              need  -  THANK  YOU  Soooooooooooo
            I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED!!

                                                              Luna,  signing  off  -  one  happy,  healthy
      Yes, that's right.  My foster parents are
     .                                                        Beddie with her forever home.  XXXX
      now officially my forever parents!  BTRF

      felt  that  I’m  now  doing  so  well  it  was

      time  to  hand  over  the  reins!    If

      everyone feels  it's right,  BTRF give  our

      foster  families  the  option  to  adopt  us

      and it was a big thumbs up for me!

                                           .  To give £2.00 per

                                         month to Bedlington

                                              Terrier Rescue,
                                                please text

                                           BEDDIE to 70085.

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