Page 16 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 16



       And especially 'no dog' homes!                          And  of  course,  if  it's  appropriate  for
                                                               everyone, you will be given the option to
       Many  of  our  dogs  come  to  us  needing  adopt  when  your  foster  dog  is  ready  to
       ongoing  specialist  medical  and  /  or  go to their new home - this is beneficial
       behavioural  care.  This  means  that  they  as it ensures the dogs do not go through
       are  not  ready  to  go  straight  into  their  another move.

       forever homes as they need to remain in
       BTRF's  care  while  we  carefully  unpick              Ideally you will need to be familiar with
       their issues.                                           WhatsApp  and  Zoom  as  we  will  stay  in
                                                               contact  through  these  platforms  -  this
       Being  a  foster  carer  for  BTRF  is  a  enables you to feedback to us on a very
       commitment  but  also  very  interesting  regular  basis  so  that  we  can  work  with
       and  highly  rewarding.    You  will  be  you  to  make  sure  we  maintain  each
       working very closely with our appointed  individual dog’s care plan.

       behaviourists,  often Aunty Lisa as she is
       a highly qualified behaviourist and canine              If you think you could foster a dog and
       wellbeing  specialist  who  takes  on  our              would like more information, in the first
       more tricky cases.                                      instance  please  contact  Trish  Mahon,
                                                               our Foster Carers' Liaison Officer for an
       BTRF will put in place all the support that  informal chat
       you need and you will be part of a great
       team  who  will  be  there  to  offer  you
       training  as  well  as  help  and  advice               It's  a  lovely  opportunity  to  help  a
       whenever you need it, right through the                 Beddie  in  need  and  work  alongside  an

       fostering journey!                                      amazing team.

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