Page 18 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 18


                                                             ** Please ensure that the Peanut Butter does
       Banana Crunchies                                       not contain Xylitol as this is toxic to dogs **
       You’ll need
       •  180g rolled oats                                     Ingredients to Avoid
       •  100g wholewheat flour                                •  Corn syrup
       •  2 ripe bananas                                       •  Artificial colours
       •  1 egg                                                •  Xylitol ** or other artificial

       •  50g peanut butter (xylitol-free)                       sweeteners
                                                               •  Excessive salt
       How to make
       1.  Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C Fan/                    •  Propylene glycol (flavourings)
           Gas 4                                               •  Brewer’s rice
       2. Add greaseproof paper to a large                     •  Nitrates or nitrites (processed meats
           baking tray                                           such as ham and bacon)
       3. Add the oats to a food processor                     •  Vegetable oil

           and blitz until they reach a flour-
           like consistency                                    Banana and Peanut Butter Hearts
       4. Add all of the ingredients into a                    You'll need
           bowl and mix until the mixture                      •  1 x banana

           forms a sticky dough                                •  1/2 cup smooth peanut butter**
       5. Flour a clean surface, and roll out                  •  Heart shaped ice cube tray
           the dough until it is 1cm thick                     •  Mixing bowl and spoon

       6. Cut out your dog biscuits using a                    How to make
           bone shape cutter, or a template                    1.  Mush banana in the mixing bowl
       7. Place the dog biscuits onto the                      2.  Stir in peanut butter

           baking tray and bake for 25                         3.  Mix together until well combined
           minutes until golden brown                          4.  Add a drop of water if required
       8. Leave to cool on a wire cooling rack                 5.  Spoon the mixture into the mould
                                                               6.  Freeze overnight

                                  Cucumber Frosties
                                              You’ll need  How to make
                               •  80g Greek yoghurt   1.  Grate the cucumber

                                     •  1/2 cucumber          2.  Add ingredients into a food
                                        •  2 tsp honey            processor/blender and blitz until
       Use  easyfundraising to  do  your  shopping    with    3.  Pour the mixture into bone
       over 3,300 retailers.  Every time you shop, you’ll           moulds, or ice cube trays
       raise a free donation for BTRF, it’s that easy!
                                                              4.  Place in the freezer until frozen

       Please be mindful of an food intolerances or allergies your dogs
       may have when making home cooked recipes for your dogs

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