Page 19 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 19


      Keep your dog happy and entertained, and save money at the same time.

      Toys are a necessity for keeping dogs happy, active and out of trouble, but spending
      money on them doesn’t have to be part of the equation. In fact, dozens of potential

      DIY dog toys are just waiting to be made from unused things that have been lying
      around for ages, such as old T-shirts or jeans, cardboard boxes and toilet roll tubes.
      ( )

     Plastic Bottle Crunch Toy                              How to make it

     You’ll need                                            1.  Get  a  used  plastic  bottle  and  throw
     •  Large plastic bottle                                      the  lid  away.  Be  sure  to  wash  the
     •  Knee length sock                                          bottle out thoroughly before using it.
     •  Kibble (optional)                                   2.  Remove the water bottle label.
                                                            3.  If  using  Kibble,  place  in  bottle,  pull

                                                                  the  sock  over  the  plastic  bottle  and
                                                                  tie a knot at the bottle neck so that

                                                                  none of the bottle is on display.

     The Treat Puzzle                                       Shoe Box Hide and Seek
     You’ll need                                            You’ll need

     •  Muffin Tray                                         •  A shoebox / cardboard box
     •  Tennis Balls                                        •  Newspaper

     •  Kibble or treats                                    •  Kibble or treats
     How to make
     1.  Distribute treats or kibble in the

           muffin trays.
     2.  Put a tennis ball (or any dog safe

           toy) in each tray to cover the                   How to make
           treat. Make sure the tray isn’t                  1. Scrunch up the newspaper into balls.

           too deep so that they can                        2. Place treats or kibble in some of the
           eventually get to the reward.                       scrunched up balls.

     3.  Watch them learn to remove the                     3. Place  the scrunched up balls into the
           ball to eat their treat/food. It                    box.
           slows them down while making                     4. Dogs will have lots of fun snuffling and

           them use their brain!                               rummaging in the box for a treat.

                                    Don’t forget this unique way to donate to BTRF.  Giveacar is a small
                                    social  enterprise  that  started  in  2010  and  since  then  they  have
                                    recycled 42,000 vehicles and donated over £4 million to charity.

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