Page 20 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
P. 20


      On Saturday we had to bid a heartbroken goodbye to our wonderful BTRF Foster dog
      "Shandy" (aka G-McG and Billy Bumhole - on the grounds of the stinky blowouts he

      held onto until we were all in bed!!)

      He was 16 years old and 4 months and had been part of
      our  family  since  September  2017.  He  came  to  us  after

      BTRF  rescued  him  from  euthanasia  luckily.  He  was  the
      most gorgeous and special boy and from day one it was
      like he had been here all his life.  He got on well with our

      older beddie Chester and made himself well and truly at

      Like  all  rescues  he  came  with  issues.  In  the  house  and  garden  he  was  fine.  Step

      outside the garden gate and he was a completely different dog. It turned out he was
      traumatised by the outside world but with a lot of love and patience and support

      from  BTRF  and  their  wonderful  behaviourists,  we  got  him  to  love  walking  and
      socialising.  Obviously his past experiences had an impact but we were able to turn
      this behaviour around.

      Over the years he grew into the most wonderful companion and was loved by all. He

      would look into your eyes and it was as if he was reaching right down into your soul.
      He was truly a very special friend.

      Last week following suspicions that he was unwell and in pain we took him to the

      vets for an ultrasound of his abdomen. The news was very bad. He had untreatable
      liver issues and probably hadn't more than 2 months to live but was deteriorating

      rapidly. That was Thursday and to save him any further pain we made the agonising
      decision to let him run across the rainbow bridge and join his older foster brother

      Chester who we lost just last January.

      The house is now so empty without him.  We had a private cremation so hopefully he
      will be back with us by the end of this week but I miss the banging of the dog flap,

      the barking at 3am when he has forgotten how to get back in said dog flap and yes
      even those stinky blow offs.

      Run free our gorgeous boy until we meet again.  XX

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