Page 24 - Summer 2024
P. 24


     Is it pain or is it just behaviour?                      So  why  is  that  –  that’s  what  adrenaline
     Sadly, many of the dogs that come to BTRF  does, its excellent at masking pain.
     are  surrendered  because  their  behaviour              This was a classic presentation when Percy
     has become unmanageable, and the homes                   Picklepants  first  came  to  us.  He  was  in  so
     just  can’t  cope.  In  these  situations,  if           much pain that his behaviour was mistaken
     appropriate,  we  will  try  to  support  the            for  him  just  being  an  out  of  control
     home  and  recommend  a  reputable,                      ‘teenager’. In the early days when we were
     qualified  behaviourist  who  can  assess  the           trying to get his pain under control he was
     dogs and help and advise to enable the dog               ‘full  on’  but  once  we  understood  what  he
     to stay in the home.                                     was going through and got his pain meds on
     Where  this  is  not  possible  or  appropriate          board he quickly began to settle.
     and the dog is surrendered  to  us, the first            Of  course,  lots  of  dogs  are  unfortunately
     thing  we  do  is  a  full  assessment,  both            nervous / stressed at the vet and because of
     behaviourally and medically.                             the  adrenaline  rush  this  produces  they

     In so many of our cases the dogs are found               often don’t present with pain in the clinic –
     to  be  in  discomfort  or  pain  -  most                the adrenaline masks it. In these cases, it is
     frequently  Beddies  in  our  care  come to  us          always  helpful  for  the  vet  to  see  videos
     with  undiagnosed  musculoskeletal  issues,              taken when the dog is in a normal setting at
     gut  health  or  ear  and  skin  issues  due  to         home or out on their walks.
     their allergies.
                                                              So, the bottom line is, if you notice even the
     So how do we, as dog guardians, recognise                slightest  behaviour  change  contact  a
     pain  or  discomfort  in  our  dogs  –  surely  it       reputable  fully  qualified  behaviourist,
     would be obvious?  They would be limping                 preferably  one  that  is  qualified  in
     or sick or scratching ears / skin. But this is           understanding         canine       posture       and
     not necessarily the case. Discomfort or pain             movement, always speak to your vet about
     in dogs can go unnoticed for weeks, months               your  concerns,  do  your  videos  to  show
     and sometimes years.                                     them ahead of the appointment and don’t
     By the time the dog is showing health issues  be afraid to discuss a simple pain trial.  We
     visually they are often in quite a lot of pain  need to advocate for our dogs if we feel all
     or feel pretty unwell. Most of us would say  is not well.
     we know our dogs well enough to know if                  Just putting it down to behaviour and trying
     they are in pain – but would we?                         to address the behaviour itself will not get

     Sometimes  the  very  first  sign  of  pain  is  a  to the root of the problem – no amount of
     behaviour change and this can often be so  behaviour modification will work if a dog is
     subtle that we may not notice it, or it creeps  uncomfortable  or  in  pain  –  this  must  be
     up on us or appears to be quite sudden.                  addressed  first  as  soon as  possible so  that
     Pain and discomfort can often be masked by               the behaviour doesn’t also become learned
     adrenaline,  one  of  the  stress  hormones.             as  a  way  to  help  them  feel  better  –  and
     This  is  released  when  a  dog  is  excited  or        that’s a whole other matter - perhaps for a
     anxious and often, we don’t think our dogs               future article!!
     could possibly be in pain because they are
     always doing zoomies round the garden or                 Kaye Scott
     out on their walks.                                      BTRF  Volunteer  Training  &  Behaviour

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