Page 10 - Summer 2024
P. 10


                                    BTRF  would  like  to  thank  the  committee  of  the Bedlington

                                    Terrier North East group for letting us take a stand at their
                                    Gathering  in  Bedlington  on  2   June.    We  had  some  lovely
                                    conversations with current supporters and made some new
                                    friends on the day too! Several people signed up to our new

                                    ‘Sponsor a Foster Dog’ Scheme - which was amazing.

                                    The BTRF team would like to thank Julia and Steve for making
                                    sure the stand was there and well stocked, and to our little
     band  of  helpers  who  answered  our  call  for  help  when  we  lost  two  important
     members of the team through a family illness.

     Thank  you  to  Kathryn  Wakeman  and  Moomin,                                                    Check out

     Susan  Moore  and  Susan  Kershaw  for  coming                                                     the new
     forward at the last minute to help with setting up                                               must have
     and then manning the stand with Julia and Steve.                                                   fashion
     The BTRF Team made an amazing £407.50p from                                                      ‘the Beddie

     sales and donations.                                                                                 Bag’

     Next  port  of  call  was  the  Derbyshire  Back  to  Derbyshire  on  the  21st  July  for
     Lurchers  &  Longdogs  2  Show  at  South                 the    Working  Bedlington  Terrier    and

     Wingfield on Sunday 9th June.                             Lurcher Show in Breaston  Thank you to

     We  made  lots  of  new  friends                          Steve Hogan for inviting BTRF.
     and again signed up supporters
     to  the  ‘Sponsor  a  Foster  Dog’                        The  standards  were  very  high  this  year
     Scheme.                                                   and  the  judging  tough  but  thanks  to
                                                               Nigel  Stock  (Bedlington  Terriers)  and
                                                               John  Bennett  (Bedlington  Lurchers),  the

                                                               best of the best shone through.
                                                               And look who we met again!

                                                                                      The  BTRF  team  raised

                                                                                      £146.00  from  sales

                                                                                      and       donations        of
                                                                                      £90.00 were received.

                                                               Thank  you  to  everyone
                                                               who        bought        some

                                                               beddie  goodies  and  for
                                                               your donations.

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