Page 9 - Summer 2024
P. 9


     Mum went to Australia for a month so I went to stay with my human BFF (she’s 12, the
     same age as me!) and her mum and dad. Oh and that's 'Best Friends Forever' in case you
     didn't know!!!

     I had a great time with my BFF’s family and her dad used the time to let her learn what
     having a dog means - she wants a dog now she’s grown up but her dad wanted to be sure
     she understood the responsibility. I think she’s not quite as keen now - picking up my poop
     wasn’t what she expected!!!!

     Mum says I’m an old lady now – and really love taking life easy and sitting in a sunny spot
     and relaxing.

     Now it’s getting warmer, Mum bought me a treat - I got some doggy ice cream. It went
     down very quickly! She said I can’t have human stuff, but I do keep trying with the big eyes
     and pitiful face! No luck!

                                                            Mum’s  taken  a  couple  of  pictures  of  me
                                                            relaxing in the garden. I have my own bed but
                                                            I prefer her seat!

                                                               Many slurpy kisses and tail wags from

                                                                           Miss Nula xx

      New rules for pet travel from 2021

      Pet  owners  will  need  to  follow  new                • Wait 21 days after the primary vaccination

      requirements before taking their pet to the              before travel
      European Union or Northern Ireland.                     • Dogs  must  be  treated  against  tapeworm
                                                               24-120  hours  before  landing,  if  they  are
      Before taking your dog, cat or ferret to the             travelling to a tapeworm free country.
      EU for the first time after 1 January 2021,             • Visit  your  vet  to  get  an  animal  health
      owners must complete the following steps.
                                                               certificate  (AHC)  for  your  pet,  no  more
      The only new requirement for travel to the               than 10 days before travel to the EU.

      EU is the use of a certificate, rather than a
      pet passport:                                           Pets  and  assistance  dogs  will  also  need  to
                                                              enter the EU through a travellers’ point of
      • Ensure  your  dog,  cat  or  ferret  is  entry  (TPE),  which  includes  all  the  major
       microchipped.                                          French  ports  such  as  Calais,  Caen  and

      • Ensure  that  your  dog,  cat  or  ferret  is  Dunkirk.
       vaccinated against rabies – pets must be at
       least  12  weeks  old  before  they  can  be                Go to for full details.

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