Page 11 - Spring Newsletter
P. 11
Mum and Dad did Facetime a few times
but I was always too comfy to bother to
get up and come to the phone although
one time I did take the trouble to lift my
weary head so they could say hello and
send kisses and hugs down the phone. I
could tell they weren’t enjoying the
I’ve been pretty
cruise much without me there as they
both had glasses of something in their healthy all things
considered. I have
hand – probably to drown their sorrow at
some weird and
my absence!
wonderful conditions
Then before I knew it, they were back, that they need to
and we were travelling back home to the keep a close eye on!
country. I say travelling but I mean But I rely on Mum,
crawling. Still, I was able to get my Dad, Aunty Kaye and
snozzer out of the window at times to say Aunty Lisa and my entourage of medical
hello to the people in the cars parked ‘staff’ to make sure all is well in that
next to us on the motorway but boy was I department.
glad when we got to the services.
With all my specific dietary requirements,
Now I’m back home it’s my normal supplements and medications, it can be
routine again. Sleep. Walk. Sleep more. expensive for everyone to care for me
Mooch. Sleep more. Mooch. Sleep but care for me they do. That’s where
more. Snuffle Mat. Sleep more. Walk. my lovely sponsors come in again. Thank
More Snuffle Mat. Sleep more. Dinner. you so much for caring for me and
Sleep more. Mum and Dad go to sleep. helping BTRF to be able to look after my
Sleep more. Wake up Mum and Dad as I needs. If you haven’t sponsored me or
have had enough sleep and want to go another of the BTRF foster dogs yet, then
out for a wee. Go back to sleep. Wake what are you waiting for?
up Mum and Dad again for another wee
or simply mooch in the garden in the Hugs and Licks
small hours. Go back to sleep. Mum and
Dad get up. I carry on sleeping as I’ve
had a hard day/night and one is simply Eddy the
exhausted! Beddie xxx