Page 14 - Spring Newsletter
P. 14


     Bedlington  Terrier  Rescue  have  the                             FUN DOG SHOW          PEDIGREE DOG SHOW

     welfare  of  Bedlington  Terriers  and  their              1.  PUPPY                  PUPPY WALK
     crosses at the heart of everything we do.                      UP TO 1 YEAR OLD       16 WEEKS TO 6 MONTHS
                                                                2.  GOLDEN OLDIE           AV PUPPY
     We  rely  on  your  donations  and                             OVER 7 YEARS           6 – 12 MONTHS
                                                                3.  BEST CONDITION         AV TERRIER
     merchandise  sales  at  small  dog  shows
                                                                4.  BEST RESCUE/REHOMED    AV HOUND
     around  the  country  but  we  have  been
                                                                5.  WAGGIEST TAIL          AV TOY
     offered a wonderful opportunity to raise
                                                                6.  APPEALING EYES         AV GUNDOG
     a  significant  amount  of  money  at  the
     Kent  Country  Show  on  Sunday  and                       7.  CHILD’S BEST FRIEND    AV UTILITY
     Monday 25  and 26  August.                                 8.  HANDSOME DOG           AV WORKING
                                                                9.  MIXED BRACE            AV PASTORAL
     Quintessentially  British  Events  have                    10  BEST MOVEMENT          AV VETERAN 7+ YEARS
     invited BTRF to run the dog shows. They                    11  FANCY DRESS            AV OPEN

     will  provide  the  two  rings  and  rosettes               .
                                                                12  BEST ASSISTANCE DOG    AV FOREVER LIVING
     and do all the advertising, we will provide                 .                         10 PLUS YEARS
     judges, staff and goodie bags for the two                  13  PRETTY LADY            BEST CONDITION
     rings over both days, there are normally                   14  BEST 6 LEGS            CHILD HANDLER
                                                                 .                         4-13 YEARS
     20  classes  in  each  ring  starting  at  11am
                                                                15  DOG WITH A DISABILITY   JUNIOR HANDLER
     and finishing with best in show at 4pm in                   .                         14-16 YEARS

     both rings.                                                16 .   BEST FAMILY OF DOGS   ADULT HANDLER
                                                                                           17 PLUS YEARS

                                                                17  BEST HANDLER           BEST BRACE
     We are so excited but we need some help                     .
                                                                18  SHORT HAIR /LONG HAIR   BEST MOVEMENT
     to  make  this  an  enjoyable  event  for                   .
     participants       and       to     raise     some         19  BEST MARKINGS          PEDIGREE FAMILY
     much needed funds.                                         20  DOG THE JUDGE WOULD    DOG THE JUDGE WOULD
                                                                 .   LIKE TO TAKE HOME     LIKE TO TAKE HOME
          Can you sponsor a class for £20?                         ALL 1  PLACE DOGS GO FORWARD TO BEST IN SHOW
     Can your company provide goodie bags

      for rosette winners or little treat bags?
                                                               Why not come and meet us, enter a class
        Can you volunteer to help us on the
                                                               and join in the fun at :
                 Sunday and Monday?

                                                                                 Quex Park

         If you can help, email Julia at                                 Birchington-on-Sea,                                                   Kent
                                                                                   CT7 0BH

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