Page 8 - Spring Newsletter
P. 8
Pippin here, I’m the oldest of the BTRF care team and my special vet, Dr Lily,
foster dogs – coming in a close second to look after me and I’m doing really well
Eddy the Beddie! We are very ‘wise old for my age – or so I’m told!! I do feel a
owls’ and the other foster dogs look up bit creaky at times but the special pills I
to us – well we like to think they do!!! have really help me feel more
I’ve been in BTRF’s care for 3 years now
and because of my age (I’m about I also love my permitted treats – and the
12 years old) and health needs, I will stay unpermitted ones I pilfer from my
in forever foster so that BTRF can keep a mum’s pocket when she isn’t looking – I
close eye on me and make sure I get the am a real dab hand at that. Mum calls
medical care I need. me the little minx – is that good? It must
I’m quite sad at the moment because I be because she says it with a smile on
recently lost my BTRF house buddy to a her face!
horrible illness and I do miss him lots. Oh, and by the way – did you see I now
have my own Sponsor a Foster Dog
But my foster mum
gives me lots of page? Me and Eddy are having a
competition to see who can get the most
cuddles, so we help
sponsors! At the moment, Eddy is just in
each other feel a
little better. I do the lead, but you could change all that of
course!! Here is the page – please do
have a best buddie
who visits, and we pop over and sponsor me so I can sneak
ahead of that beddie, Eddy!!!
have a nice time
together, so that
That’s all for now, enjoy the Spring.
My health is really quite good at the The little Minx, Pippin!!!
moment, but it’s a constant juggling act Pippin
staying on top of my allergies (so
common amongst Beddies) but the BTRF XXX
Did you know you can Sponsor Pippin?
Click here to find out how.