Page 21 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 21

CLUB 200

                              Following  the  success  of  the  'trial  run'  for  the  Club  200  in
                              November and December, we will be running the draw regularly

                              throughout 2024!

                              Our first two month run for 2024 will take place for January and
                              February 2024 and  we’ll  be  having  two  prize  draws  held  on

                              18th January and 18th February 2024.

     Numbers are £4 each and your number will be entered into both the January and

     February draws – so you will have two chances of winning!

          You can of course buy more than one number to be entered into both draws:

                   1 number entered in both the January and February draws is £4
                 2 numbers entered into both the January and February draws is £8

                3 numbers entered into both the January and February draws is £12
                                                      and so on!

                   The prize money for each draw (January and February ) will be
                     25% of total funds received ie, £200 if 200 numbers are sold.

     The more numbers we sell, the more money that can be won and the more you will
     be helping us in our work.

     Entries  will  be  numbered  sequentially  and  allocated  in  the  order  we  receive
     them.   Entry  is  not  restricted  to  BTRF  followers  so  please  feel  free  to  encourage
     friends and family to play.  However, we do need to restrict sales to over 18s only


     Paying  by  PayPal,  please  log  in  to  your  PayPal  account  and  send  your  entry  fee
     to and in the ‘Notes’ section please put ‘CLUB 200'.

     Paying by BACS, the account details are:                Account Number: 00175308
                                                             Sort Code: 309028

     Please use the reference 'CLUB200'                      Account Name: Bedlington Terrier
                                                             Rescue Foundation

                                               CLUB 200 ENTRY

   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26