Page 23 - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 23


     It’s not too late to do some preparation  and  a  safely  fitted  harness  for  evening
     to make sure you help your dog survive  toilet  trips  to  the  garden  –  yes,  to  the

     the  upcoming  firework  season  with  the  garden. Dogs can scale fences when they
     least stress possible.                                   panic.
     There is no need to let dogs suffer when  Choice:  Your  dog  is  the  only  expert  in
     there  are  so  many  things  we  can  do  to  what  makes  them  feel  better,  give
     reduce  their  anxiety.  And  frankly,  it’s  a  choices for coping strategies and observe

     welfare issue to NOT do something about  what  works  best  –  some  like  a  hiding
     it.  Our  dogs  can't  choose  to  avoid  space on their own, others prefer to be
     fireworks  or  take  a  medication  or  tucked up on the sofa next to you.
     supplement  which  would  reduce  the  Welfare:  Use  appropriate  supplements
     fear. But we can choose to take the fear  and  medication.  This  is  critically

     away .                                                   important  -  talk  to  your  vet,  talk  to  a
     Think about ….                                           behaviourist,
     Safety:  make  sure  microchip  details  are  Dogs and Fireworks | 10 Tips to Calm your Dog
     up to date, your dog has a collar with ID                | Battersea

                                             Pumpkins for Dogs
             Roasted pumpkin – simply chop into pieces, discarding rind and innards and place on
             a lightly oiled tray before baking for approximately 30 minutes.

             Pumpkin  Kong  –  mash  some  cooked  pumpkin  with  a  little  natural,  unsweetened
             yoghurt and spoon into your dog's Kong or other stuffable toy.
             Frozen Pumpkin Treats - in a small bowl, add equal parts of non-sweetened pumpkin

             puree and non-fat plain yogurt.  Stir to combine.  (Add water if you want to stretch
             your batter).    Pour into molds and place in freezer until solid.  Un-mold the treats
             and place in a Tupperware or plastic bag for long-term storage.
              No Bake Coco-Nutter Pumpkin Balls                      coconut)  into  a  food  processor  to

              1 cup unsweetened pumpkin puree                        combine  until  the  dough  starts  to  hold
              •  1/2 cup unsweetened peanut butter                   together.
                 (no xylitol!)                                   4.  With  lightly  oiled  hands,  divide  the
                                                                     dough  roughly  into  quarters.  Each
              •  1 cup rolled oats
                                                                     quarter should make about 8 biscuits, for
              •  2 tbsp coconut oil
                                                                     a total of 32 cookies.
              •  2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
                                                                 5.  Roll each ball to a smooth and uniform
              •  1/2 cup unsweetened dried coconut
                                                                     shape  and  roll  in  a  handful  of  coconut
                                                                     until evenly coated.
              1.  Melt the coconut oil.                          6.  Place  biscuits  into  a  lined  tupperware
              2.  Line  a  baking  tray  or  large  dish  with       container,  layering  with  more  baking
                 baking paper.                                       paper if necessary.
              3.  Place  ingredients  (except  dessicated

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