Page 20 - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 20


                The Final Chapter                             Who knows, but it was a close run thing
                                                              that's for sure, but I am on the right side
     Things  were  not  looking  good  for  me,  I
     was struggling with my balance and was                   of it now.

     very  weak,  I  was  also  losing  weight.  I            As for the final chapter don't you believe
     have always kept myself trim, so I didn't                it,  there  are  still  adventures  to  be  had!
     have much to spare anyway.                               Places to go people to see, new chapters
                                                              to be written.  Scotland, Shropshire and
     I was at the surgery every few days and
     was  being  weighed  regularly.  In  one                 Kent  have  all  been  mentioned,  so  keep
     7 day period I lost a kilo, so it was a big              an eye out for Merlin and me and if you

     worry for everyone. The meds did make                    see  us  come  over  for  a  chat,  we  are
     me  hungry,  I  was  eating  everything  I               always pleased to talk Bedlington!

     could,  but  it  made  no  difference  I  was            That  brings  us  right  up  to  date  and  the
     still losing weight. I went on a ‘see food’              end for now of BTRF  BLUE  AND  OTHER

     diet,  I  saw  food  I  ate  it,  but  nothing           DOGS.    It's been a life full of highs and
     seemed to work. Mum and Dad put me                       lows, laughter and tears but most  of  all
     on 4 meals a day. Merlin was livid!!! As                 lots  of  love.  There  are  some  people  I

     he's so greedy ... sorry, loves his food so              need  to  thank,  firstly  everyone  at  BTRF,
     much,  either  mum  or  dad  had  started                too many to name but you all know who
     taking him for walks while I had my extra                you are! Then the most important people
     portions.                                                of all, I know what you are thinking Mum
                                                              and Dad, but you would be wrong.  I have
     Eventually  I  went  to  be  weighed  and
     hadn't lost any weight, but over the next                spent years training those two, and I do
     few days I slowly started to gain weight.                have high hopes that one day they may

     Nobody  knows  why  I  lost  it  or  why  I              be  quite  good  at  this  fostering  lark,  but
     started to put it back on but it had to be               we  will  see.  No,  the  most  important
     a good sign. The meds I was on were not                  people in my story are you guys the BTRF

     good for me long term, so we started to                  supporters. Without your donations dogs
     withdraw them slowly. The danger was I                   like  me,  Bandit,  Bert  and  Merlin  and
     would relapse. Now as most of you know,                  many  others,  simply  wouldn't  have  a
     us Beddies love life so much, and I wasn't               chance at living  our best lives,  so thank

     giving up without a fight.                               you all.

                                                                     So that's me, 15 not out.
     You may remember the 4 to 8 week life
     expectancy,  well  that  was  almost  Thanks  for  reading  my  story,  and  if  you

     8  months  ago,  and  I  have  continued  to  can please donate we simply can't do this
     improve so much so, that I am now 99%  without your help!

     back  to  full  health.  Was  it  a  tumour?   

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