Page 19 - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 19


     We  spent  time  exploring  and  then  it  was  take  a  look  when  we  in  the  surgery.
     time  to  go  back  on  the  lead.  Merlin’s  Unfortunately, she could feel a lump inside
     owners had been having problems with him  and it was bleeding so there was no doubt
     refusing to come back, he hadn't run away  it was a tumour and it had to come out. At
     he  just  wouldn't  come  back  to  go  on  the  this point  mine and Merlin’s  timelines  run
     lead.    I  was  given  my  recall  whistle  and  at  different  speeds,  so  as  this  is  Merlin's
     came back, Merlin followed and stood next  story I will concentrate on him for now.
     to me while he was put on the lead.                        Rescue dogs don't come with insurance and

     We walked back to the car and when Mum  vets are not the NHS, so the cost of Merlin’s
     opened the door Merlin jumped in, curled  operation came in at £1500 but there was
     up and went to sleep. To be honest that was  no  question  of  not  having  it  done  and  as
     that! Paperwork was completed and half an  difficult  as  it  was,  the  money  was  found,
     hour later we were on the way home with  and the operation went ahead. The tumour
     Merlin snoring in the back.                              was  removed  and  sent  for  testing,  the
                                                              results were inconclusive which meant they
     That was the start of a new chapter - I got a
     new  job  and  Merlin  got  a  big  brother  to          couldn't tell if it was cancerous or not.

     look after him and show him the ropes.                   On  the  plus  side  it  had  good  margins  of
                                                              healthy  tissue  around  it,  so  had  probably
     Merlin and I have been together for a few
     years  now,  and  we  are  the  best  of  mates.         not spread elsewhere and hopefully wasn't
     The little fella follows me everywhere, I love           going to come back. Merlin was very ill after
     to lead, and he loves to follow, together we             the operation, it took him quite a long time
     make a great team.                                       to  get  over  it.  We  started  having  joint
                                                              appointments at the vets, it was just easier
     One  evening  not  long  ago  when  we  were             to see us both together!
     about  to  be  fed,  I  had  a  seizure  and
     collapsed.  When  I  came  around  mum  was              Eventually Merlin started to recover, and he
     holding me in her arms and Merlin was with               has  had  no  recurrence  of  the  tumour,  so
     me,  he  was  very  worried.  I  couldn't  stand         fingers crossed it’s all behind him.

     up on my own and kept falling over and my  During  one  of  our  joint  appointments,  we
     head was tilted to one side. When I tried to  received  the  devastating  news  that  all  the
     walk towards something I kept staggering to  tests  I  had  undergone  although  not
     one  side.  Half  an  hour  later  I  was  with  conclusive,  and  without  the  benefit  of  a
     Dr Faye in the veterinary surgery. There are  brain  scan,  pointed  to  either  a  massive
     several  conditions  that  could  have  caused  neurological  event  or  more  likely  an
     my  symptoms,  it  could  have  been  inoperable brain tumour.
     something  simple  like  an  ear  infection  or            It  was  decided  we  would  treat  for  a  brain
     something more sinister like a tumour. The               tumour but there wasn't a cure. I was very
     only way to know for definite was to have a              unwell  and  put  on  very  powerful
     CT scan. Dr Faye however advised against a               medication  to  help  slow  my  deterioration
     brain scan because she felt at my age, I may             down.  My  prognosis  was  very  poor,  for  a
     not  survive  the  anaesthetic  if  they  should         dog  of  my  age  with  my  symptoms  the
     have to operate on me. It was decided we                 average  life  expectancy  was  approximately
     would  try  some  other  less  drastic  tests  to        4 to 8 weeks.
     get an idea of what was going on.
                                                              And so, we head to the final chapter of my
     I was seeing Dr Faye every few days to have              story! ...
     my  condition  assessed.  It  was  at  this  time
     that  Mum  and  Dad  noticed  Merlin  was
     passing  a  little  blood  so  asked  Dr  Faye  to

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