Page 21 - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 21


                         A final note from Blue’s ‘Lovely People’

     August Bank Holiday 2023 Blue and Merlin travelled south to attend a dog show in
     Kent as BTRF had a stall to raise funds. Blue took first prize in the veteran over 7 years

     old class and Blue and Merlin took first prize in the brace.

     On September the 16th Blue and Merlin went for their morning
     walk,  unfortunately  and  without  warning  Blue's  back  legs  gave

     way he was rushed to the vets but we knew it was time to let
     him go.  He passed away with the two of us and Merlin by his

            Goodbye old boy, rest easy your work is done

            And a note from the BTRF team too

     BTRF does their very best for every dog in their care. Many come
     to us with some very complex medical issues that are costly and

     tricky to unpick and treat. Some of our dogs are in forever foster
     because their conditions are just too expensive for adopters to

     take on.

     We  take  in  all  ages  from  the  youngster  like  Percy  Pickle  Pants,
     to  the  older  ladies  like  Pippin  –  it’s  the  dog  that  matters  not

     the age.

     All  the  BTRF  team  are  volunteers,  giving  our  time  for  free
     because we love what we do and the breed we help.

                               As  Blue  said,  we  can’t  do  this  without  you,

                               please  support  us  where  you  can  –  every
                               single  penny  really  does  count.  There  are
                               plenty of ways to donate – thank you all and

                               thank you Blue - your memory will live on in

                               all the dogs we help


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