Page 5 - Summer 2022 Newsletter
P. 5


    Hi all, my turn to update you on how I’m doing!  And you must remember me as
    well.  I’m 'Little Mo' and I’ve been in BTRF's care now for three years and because of
    my complicated medical and anxiety issues, I will be staying as a foster dog for quite

    some time yet.  This means that BTRF can oversee my care very closely and manage
    my treatment, which is quite expensive.

    Quite a lot has happened for me over the last few months.  Aunty Trish (who is the
    BTRF Foster Carers' Liaison Officer as well as volunteering with Aunty Kaye on the
    Training and Behaviour Team) oversees my care and checks in with the behaviourist
    that BTRF has appointed to look after me and my foster parents 'on the ground' as
    I live quite a long way from Aunty Trish.

    My allergies have always been a worry to BTRF and my care team have been working
    to get to the bottom of why I’m so itchy and why my ears cause me problems.

    Well, I think we may be onto it now!!  I have had a new diet that
    a special veterinary nutritionist put together just for me. She has
    put yummy diets together for a few of the BTRF foster dogs.  I

    absolutely LOVE my food and always lick my plate clean!!  Early
    days yet as I’ve only been on this new yummy diet for two weeks
    but my itching seems to be improving so I’m keeping my paws
    crossed  that  the  new  diet  and  the  special  work  that  my
    behaviourist is doing with my lovely foster parents to help me

    with my anxieties, is all starting to help me feel better!
    I’ve always been a little unsure around other dogs but I am now learning that not all
    dogs are scary and I have a very special new friend called Tallon who I meet up with

    and he is helping to show me the ropes. Although I was a little unsure to start with
    I’m getting more confident and I think I will soon be brave enough to have a proper
    play with him.

                                      So that's my story up to now.  I’ll keep you posted on my
                                      progress over the next few weeks. But like my BTRF foster
                                      buddies  I  need  ongoing  medical  and  behavioural  care
                                      that  is  funded  by  BTRF.    I  know  they  are  constantly

                                      looking at ways to raise funds to ensure that me and my
                                      nine other BTRF foster dogs can continue to receive this
                                      much  needed  care.    If  you  can  spare  some  pennies  or
                                      have any fundraising ideas I know that BTRF would love
                                      to hear from you.

                                       That's all for now folks, take care everyone.

                  Little 'Mo' xx

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