Page 3 - Summer 2022 Newsletter
P. 3
Hello all! Itchie Richie here!
I see that Pippin has mentioned me in her recent update because she is about to
start her special treatment - Immunothingie (that's Immunotherapy, Richie!) - and
I’ve been on this for a while now! So I thought I would get in next and write a little
update for you!
I am now well into my immunothingie treatment and I’m feeling soooo much better.
My skin is feeling much less itchy and my really troublesome ear, which has been the
cause of quite a bit of worry for my care team and BTRF, is actually looking so much
better. I saw my lovely vet recently who was very pleased with me and told my
foster parents they can start to reduce my ear medication - yahhhhhh!!!
As far as my behaviour is concerned, you may remember when I
came into BTRF my future was very uncertain. I came in because
my home was struggling to cope with my biting and hoped that
BTRF could help me. Aunty Lisa and the care 'staff' that BTRF put
on board to help me, 'got stuck in' and managed to get to the
bottom of my troubles - basically I was hurting really bad.
My ears (well one in particular) were terrible and I was in a lot of pain. As everyone
knows, pain can easily cause a dog to be unhappy enough to bite (humans can feel
the same when they are in pain, but you don't normally bite!).
I am now with an amazing foster family who love me and with the ongoing help
from Aunty Lisa, they understand me well and know that by watching my ears
closely and telling her as soon as they notice any possible flare ups, it keeps me
feeling well.
I have had to have quite a bit of costly veterinary care in the year
and a bit that I have been with BTRF and still do, but thanks to all
your donations I have been able to get the care I need. So please
spare a few pennies whenever you can, to help me and my
nine BTRF foster buddies.
Right, so that's me signing off for now and who knows, I may have some more news
to share with you in the not too distant future.
Watch this space!!!!!!!!!
Lots of luv
Not so 'Itchie' Richie!!!!