Page 9 - SPRING 2023
P. 9


      If  you  took  part  in  the  recent  BTRF

      Auction you will know about me.

      I  am  quite  the  medical  mystery.  I  have
      pain in my right hind leg, which responds
      well  (but  not  fully)  to  a  comprehensive

      pain management strategy.  I’ve been to
      see lots of people to have x-rays, an MRI,

      been  reviewed  by  orthopaedic  and  I  had  my  MRI  scan,  thank  you  to
      neurological  specialists  and  my  care  everyone who sent BTRF some pennies.

      team  still  can’t  quite  pin  down  the               You raised enough for me to have some
      source.                                                 other tests as well.   But, apparently, I am

                                                              a mystery.  All the tests and the MRI scan
      But  I’m  feeling  a  LOT  better.  I  have  the        came  back  clear  so  it’s  back  to  the
      right diet, supplements, pain medication,
                                                              drawing  board.  My  lovely  vet  and
      physiotherapy, rest, behavioural support                Aunty  Lisa  are  getting  their  heads
      …… and now I’ve changed my name from
                                                              together to come up with the next plan.
      Percy Picklepants to Percy Poppet (unless
      I’m  up  to  mischief  –  as  all  the  best            My  pain  is  well  under  control  so  I  feel

      beddies do!!!).                                         great  but  we  do  need  to  know  what  is
                                                              wrong with me  – so watch this space, I

      However, lately my care team could see                  am sure I will have more news soon.
      some signs that my pain is getting a bit

      worse  and  I’m  only  2.5  years  old,  so

      that’s      not     great       for     a    young
      whippersnapper like me.

      BTRF  needed  to  raise  some  extra  funds

      to get a second MRI done  to  see if the
      cause  could  be  found  now  (sometimes

      the behavioural signs appear before the
      clinical  ones  and  hopefully  a  year  on,            Thank YOU EVERYONE.
      something  may  now  show  up  to  help

      with a more permanent fix).                             Percy xx

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